A factory at a low elevation ships bags of popcorn to cities at high elevations. Why does the factory manager need to monitor the amount of air in each bag


Answer 1


Since factory is at low elevation, therefore, there will be more pressure. Similarly at high elevations there will be low pressure.

So, when bags of popcorn move from low elevation to high elevation the factory manager need to monitor the amount of air in each bag because if there are too many molecules in the bag then it will pop as it goes from high to low pressure areas.

Answer 2

A factory at a low elevation ships bags of popcorn to cities at high elevations. The factory manager need to monitor the amount of air in each bag because when the bags of popcorn are delivered into high elevation cities, it will shrink due to the high pressure exerted by the surroundings towards the bag. As the elevation increases, the pressure surrounding it also increases.

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I believe the best answer to that question wud be D. I cud b wrong 

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "CO(g) + 2H2 (g) <---> CH3OH (g) and that the reaction is exothermic (the delta H value is negative). The reaction is exothermic, so lowering the temperature will shift the equilibrium toward the right. Since the reaction uses 3 moles of gas to form 1 mole of gas, increasing the pressure will shift the reaction toward the right. So, low temperature and high pressure will produce the highest yield. Le Chatelier's principle states that when a system at equilibrium is disturbed, the system responds in such a way to minimize the disturbance."

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b. no ability to produce rain.
c. particles made of ice crystals.
d. its base at or near the ground


Answer: d. Its base at or near the ground.



Fog is a visible weather condition in which the tiny droplets of water present in the atmosphere come together and which forms a thick cloud which lies close to the surface of the ground (land) or above the sea surface. Fog cuts the visibility down to one kilometers, it makes it difficult to observe the things through it. The fog is influenced by several factors such as wind conditions, nearby water bodies, and topography.

Fog is a cloud that has its base at or near the ground. The answer is letter D. Fog results when atmospheric water vapor condenses to the extent that the new forms, water droplets or ice crystals, become visible. Saturation of the air and sufficient condensation nuclei are ordinarily prerequisites for the formation of fog. One of the great hazards associated with fog is a lack of visibility.


After being thoroughly stirred at 10.°C, which mixture is heterogenous?(1) 25.0 g of KCl and 100. g of H2O(2) 25.0 g of KNO3 and 100. g of H2O
(3) 25.0 g of NaCl and 100. g of H2O
(4) 25.0 g of NaNO3 and 100. g of H2O


The answer is (2) KNO3. This depends on the solubility of these four compounds at 10℃. For NaCl, it is 35.8 g, For NaNO3, 80.8 g. KCl, 31.2 g. KNO3, 21.9g. So only KNO3 is less than 25.0 g.




Because if look at the Solubity curves you will notice other three doesn't go 25 grams. They start above the 25 grams.

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Use the ideal gas equation PV=nRT. You can compare before and after using P1V1/n1T1=P2V2/n2T2. Since the number of moles remains constant you can disregard moles from the equation and use pressure, volume and temp. Make sure your pressure is converted to atmospheres, your volume is in liters, and your temperature is in kelvins.