What is one essential element of historical fiction


Answer 1
Answer: It has to be accurate to that time period

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A cliché is a _______ expression.a. creativeb. wordyc. newd. worn-out
“The days are nouns; touch them/ The hands are churches that worship the world.” This quote shows what figurative language? A. simile B. metaphor C. rhyme D. repetition
Definition: This is used after a word or words that have special emphasis or feeling. Example: We won! When I entered to room, everyone yelled, "Happy Birthday!" what is the word? it starts with ex that's all I know.
Reverend Hale began to doubt people when _____.
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Which of the following sentences is correct? A. That shade of lavender looks badly on me.
B. She feels so bad about missing the meeting.
C. The new perfume really smells badly.
D. Even his mother admitted he danced bad.


Option a cannot be the answer because it is using the word badly improperly.

Option b could be the answer it everything seems to be in order. Nothing seems to be improper or grammarly incorrect.

Option c could not be the answer because it is using the word badly improperly as well.

Option d can also not be the answer because the word bad could be replaced with another word.

So this means that the answer to the question is option b.

- Marlon Nunez

explain how the poet’s description of trees, beetles, flowers, pastures, and a sunset affects the tone and conveys the central theme of the poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard."


The poets description of trees, beetles,flowers, pastures, and a sunset affects the tone and conveys the central theme of the poem ''Elegy, written in a country churchyard'' by giving the poem a somber and almost reverently sorrowful tone, it goes with the theme of being written in a''country churchyard'' where there is the dead that has been buried and the feelings the poet must have felt while writing this of deep respect for the nature that surrounded him, tells us that the poet must have experienced loss. i hope this answer helped, although it is only an opinion, i reviewed the poem from ''Cliff notes'' have a great day!

The poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" explores many themes, the chief of which is the inevitability of death. Death comes to all human beings, rich or poor, high or low. The poet describes a typical evening scene in the countryside. All the creatures of the woods are making their way to their shelters as the lone farmer walks home with his herd. The poet describes the call of a solitary owl, and the ancient elms and yew trees under which the long-dead country folk are buried. This setting gives the poem a somber tone. By setting his poem at the hour of sunset, Thomas Gray invokes a melancholy mood, which is fitting for a poem that deals with the theme of death. By invoking the image of living beings returning to their rest at sunset and connecting it to the image of the village dead "resting" in the churchyard, Gray shows that death is part of the cycle of nature. In the last stanza he uses the image of the flower that blooms and withers away unseen to show that the farmers' lives are just as worthy as those of the rich and famous, though they live and die unknown and unpraised.

What is the purpose of Juliet's allusion?Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds,
Towards Phœbus' lodging;
(III, iii, 3-4)


It alludes to her excitement upon seeing Romeo after they were married in secret.  She is eager to be with him and hopes that the darkness would hide him from her family.  Once they are united, they may now enjoy each other’s company as husband and wife.

Answer:  "To express a desire for the day to end so she can see Romeo."

[Odyssey ware answer]

Read the following sentence from the passage._______ their attributes are different depending on the story and storytellers, gnomes are consistently described as having human-like features.

Choose the linking word that best fits the blank.


the only one that fits with the sentence and actualy makes sense would be D.


D) Although is answer

Which situation is considered reinforcement


When you say reinforcement it's a process of strengthening a certain organism  behavior.
Here is one example of it:
A child is given a chocolate candy when she cleans her mess. The candy serves as her price inorder to do well in cleaning her mess.

Which sentence in this excerpt from Ernest Hemingway's "In Another Country" uses parallelism?


You didn't provide examples, however, parallelism is when you use the same grammatical constructions in consecutive sentences, meaning that you say things like "he walked, and he saw, and he picked it up" or you say "i was walking, and he was running, and she was picking it up".


plato users its 3
