Geneticists are able to use specific principles to explain the observations made during genetic studies. What can geneticists use the principles of probability for? a. To predict the traits of the offspring produced by genetic crosses. b. To determine the actual outcomes of genetic crosses. c. To predict the traits of the parents used in genetic crosses. d. To decide which organisms are best to use in genetic crosses.


Answer 1


b. To determine the particular outcomes of genetic crosses.


Gregor Mendel studied the inheritance of seven completely different options in peas, together with height, flower color, seed color, and seed form.

To do so, he initial established pea lines with 2 completely different types of a feature, like tall vs.

One sort of a feature, like tall, continuously hid the opposite kind, like short, within the initial generation when the cross.

Gregor Mendel known as the visible kind the dominant attribute and the hidden kind the recessive trait.

In the second generation, when plants were allowed to self-fertilize (pollinate themselves), the hidden sort of the attribute reappeared during a minority of the plants.

Specifically, there have been continuously about 333 plants that showed the dominant attribute (e.g., tall) for every 111 plant that showed the recessive attribute (e.g., short), creating a 3:13:13, colon, 1 ratio.

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Composite cone volcano


Composite Cone Volcanoes are large volcanic buildings with long, generally conical shape, usually with a small crater on the summit and steep flanks, constructed by the interleaving of lava flows and pyroclastic products emitted by one or more conduits, which can be punctuated. over time by episodes of partial cone collapse, reconstruction and changes in conduit location.

Compound volcanoes are found in all regions of volcanism, but it is in plate convergence zones, where a tectonic plate subdows (plunges) toward the earth's mantle beneath another tectonic plate, that these volcanic buildings are most abundant. The magmatic expression of a converging plate margin environment is usually a series of sub-regularly spaced Compound Volcanoes, forming a sub-parallel volcanic arch to the tectonic fossa.

composite cone volcano

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What’s the smallest bone in the human body?
Conveniently, that would be the stapes. It is one of three tiny bonesin the middle ear that convey sound from the outer ear to the innerear. Collectively called the ossicles, these bones are individuallyknown as the malleus, incus, and stapes. Those are Latin words for theshapes the bones resemble: a hammer, anvil, and stirrup.
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You’ll find the pineal gland near the center of the brain, in agroove between the hemispheres. It’s not an organ like those in theabdominal cavity. It’s the human body’s smallest endocrine gland, and itproduces melatonin, a hormone (derived from serotonin) that affects howwe sleep, wake up, and react to seasonal changes. It’s called pinealbecause it’s shaped like a little pinecone.
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It is a tiny bone called stapes located in the ear which transmit sound  from outer ear to the inner

How does semi-conservative replication help prevent mutations during DNA replications?


DNA replication is the process by which two DNA molecules are produced from one parent DNA molecule. DNA replication is semi conservative, this implies that, each strand in the double helix DNA molecule act as a template for the synthesis of a new, complimentary DNA strand. Because semi conservative method has a DNA template that is already accurately formed, the probability of having errors in the newly formed strand is drastically reduced.

Semi-conservative replication is a process of DNA replication in which each new DNA molecule formed contains one original strand (parental strand) and one newly synthesized complementary strand.

This type of replication occurs during the cell division cycle, ensuring that the genetic information is faithfully copied and passed on to the daughter cells without introducing significant mutations.

By combining accurate base pairing, proofreading, and repair mechanisms, semi-conservative replication ensures that the newly synthesized DNA strands are as identical as possible to the original parental strands. This fidelity in replication is vital for preserving the genetic information and preventing mutations that could lead to genetic disorders, cancer, or other harmful consequences in the offspring cells.

Try to know more about replication :


How are amino acids read?


Encoded by group of three bases started from fixing points

What was the purpose of miller and urey's experimentA. to find out how biological molecules could have first formed
B. to find out if prokaryotes have genetic information
C. to find out if DNA carries genetic information
D. to find out if the protists evolved from the eukaryote​


A. To find out how biological molecules could have first formed

The survival of some plants depends on their ability to have seeds transported to a favorable environment. Describe three different ways seeds can be transported from one location to another?



Different plants have different strategies for the dispersal of seeds. It dependents upon the environment in which they are growing. The three different ways of seed dispersal are:

1. Gravity: As, the fruits in the seeds gets ripen, they fall from the trees or plants because of the action of gravity acting on them. This mechanism is called as abscission. The seeds gets ejected or comes out of the fruit after degradation and decomposition of the fruit.

2. Wind and water: Wind and water are two agents which facilitates the transfer of seeds from one location to the other location.

3. Animals and birds: The animals and birds consume fruits along with seeds. They leave the seeds to different location, in the form of whole seed, partially consumed fruit or in the form of seed present in their biological waste.


On the fur of animals, drop off plants as fruits, and consumed and excreted by animals


By wind, regeneration, and production of flagellated gametes

Double fertilization, mitosis, and on the fur of animals?

On the fur of animals, drop off plants as fruits, and consumed and excreted by animals

Vegetative reproduction, meiosis, and rhizomes

that was the right answer