Describe some common plants and animals from
a tropical rain forest and a grassland biome.


Answer 1




Epiphytes can be described as plants that do not grow on soil, rather they live on other plants and trees. Such kind of plants are very common in the tropical forests. Examples include orchids and bromeliads.

       2. Bougainvillea

Bougenvillea are common plants of the tropican rain forest which are characterized by their bright coloured flowers. Their flowers exist in the shape of leaves.


       1. Ryegrass

Ryegrass is one of the most common kind of grass present in grasslands and is actively known to eradicate soil erosion.

        2. Lady's Bedstraw

This kind of plant belongs to the herbs family.


1. Jaguar

The Jaguar belongs to the cat species and is leopard shaped.

2. Mountain Gorillas

Mountain Gorillas are the most commonly found primates.


1. Cheetah

As grasslands provide wide range of land for running, Cheetahs can be commonly found in this biome as it is best adopted to live here.

2. Lions

Lions can also be found very commonly in this biome.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Learn about common plants and animals in tropical rainforests and grasslands.


In a tropical rainforest biome, some common plants include the giant Amazon water lily, orchids, and bromeliads. These plants have adapted to the high humidity and heavy rainfall in the rainforest. Animals found in the rainforest biome include toucans, jaguars, and monkeys. These animals have specific adaptations that allow them to thrive in the dense vegetation.

In a grassland biome, common plants include grasses such as buffalo grass and Bermuda grass, as well as wildflowers like purple coneflowers and black-eyed Susans. These plants are adapted to drought and fire. Animals in grasslands include grazing animals like zebras, wildebeests, and pronghorn antelopes, as well as predators like lions and cheetahs. These animals have evolved to feed on grasses or hunt in the open grassland habitat.

Learn more about Plants and animals in biomes here:


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The answer is D. Ribosome

Answer:Cells need to make proteins. ... While a structure such as a nucleus is only found in eukaryotes, every cell needs ribosomes to manufacture proteins. Since there are no membrane-bound organelles in prokaryotes, the ribosomes float free in the cytosol. Ribosomes are found in many places around a eukaryotic cell.


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The answer is C
for surees


The Correct Answer Is C



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