What does the United Nations do in 2014/2015? Who is the current leader?


Answer 1
Answer: For 2014 to 2015, the United Nations has been active in his World Food Programme (WFP) promoting food security all over the world focusing mainly on the Central African Republic. UN has also been successful in lowering the level of HIV/AIDS cases. The report was released last July 2014. Moreover, the United Nations are also focusing on climate change.
With regards to its current leader , Mogens Lykketoft of Denmark was elected on the 15th of June, 2015 and serves as the President of United Nations' seventieth sessions which is from September 2015 up to September 2016. 

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You personally may not feel it is but your future depends on your education.

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Match these items and descriptions.1. Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie
2. George Washington
3. Intolerable Acts
4. Committees of Correspondence
5. First Continental Congress

A. Fort Necessity
B. Boston
C. Virginia
D. Samuel Adams
E. 1774


The person's answer above is actually incorrect. The correct answers should be:

Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie = Virginia

George Washington = Fort Necessity

Intolerable Acts = Boston

Committees of Correspondence = Samuel Adams

First Continental Congress = 1774

These answers are 100% correct, because I got them right on my lesson.

Final answer:

The items and descriptions match as follows: Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie with Virginia, George Washington with Fort Necessity, Intolerable Acts with Boston, Committees of Correspondence with Samuel Adams, and the First Continental Congress with 1774.


The correct match for these items and their descriptions would be the following:

  1. Lieutenant Governor Dinwiddie is matched with C. Virginia, this is because he was the Lieutenant Governor of the Dominion of Virginia.
  2. George Washington is matched with A. Fort Necessity, as Washington's early military experience in the French and Indian War was tied to Fort Necessity.
  3. The Intolerable Acts are associated with B. Boston, as they were enacted following the Boston Tea Party.
  4. The Committees of Correspondence are linked to D. Samuel Adams, as he was one of the key drivers of these committees.
  5. The First Continental Congress is associated with E. 1774, as it was the year it took place.

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