14. Cost is an example of_in designing a product.
O a solution
O a constraint
O an idea
O a trade-off


Answer 1
Answer: It is an example of a constraint as if you are unable to meet the amount of purchasing power required to obtain a product, you will be unable to acquire said product, thus constraining you.
Answer 2

Answer: constraintnp

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Not so fast.

I think you're using 'accelerating' to mean 'speeding up', but you really need
to be more careful with it. "Acceleration" means ANY change in speed OR

If an object's speed to the left is decreasing, or its speed to the right is
increasing, then the net force on the object must be directed towards
the right.

If an object is moving with constant speed in a circular path, then it's
constantly accelerating, because its direction is constantly changing.
The force on it is always directed towards the center of the circle, so
there's one point on the path where the force is directed straight to the right.
This is correct. Just think about it. If you push an object to the right then it will accelerate to the right.

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