what is another name for the cluster of the cells that attach the walls of the uterus fertilization?.......and......how does the mother provide the developing fetus with food and oxygen?......plzzz help


Answer 1
Answer: In a nutshell...
The cluster of cell is the Blastocyst and it consist of cells that will grow to form the chorion and the allantois (which will all merge for the most part to form allantachorion) , the yolk  as well as the amnion and a set of special cells known as the inner mass of cells.  The Blastocyst once it attaches to the Linning of the Endometrium in the Uterus will see where placental material start to generate and it is the placenta which contain the maternal and fetal blood as well as the facilitator for the umbilical chord which all work in tandem  to provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

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if you use the compound pulley, you will need to pull twice the distance but with less force. the force you need is equal to one half the weight of the box plus 25 N. what is the force needed?



F= 25/2 = 12.5N


When you use a compound pulley the force required depends on the mechanical advantage of the compound pulley. This is known as rate of loss of distance or the ratio of the force to the load.

M.A = Effort distance /Load distance. OR M.A = Load/Effort

how your weight would change with time if you were on a space ship traveling away from earth toward the moon


Your weight would be reducing over time on your way from Earth towards the moon.

And right on the Moon, your weight would reduce to one sixth of the value it was on the Earth.
your weight would get way less if you are on the moon you will weigh 1/6th of how much you weigh now so if you were 60 pounds on earth then you would be 10 pounds on the moon. you would also be able to jump really high

How can you make gravity smaller and bigger


The force of gravity = GMm / r^2, where G is gravitational constant, M is mass of one object, m is mass of another object, r is distance between them.

To make gravity smaller, decrease mass or increase distance.
To make gravity bigger, increase mass or decrease distance.

You can increase the forces of gravity between you and,
let's say, a planet, in two ways.

Way #1:
Increase your mass. 
(Eat or drink more.
Fill your pockets with rocks.
Put on a heavy coat or space suit.)

Way #2:
Get closer to the center of the planet.
(That only works down to the planet's surface, but
it stops working if you go below the surface.)

To decrease the forces of gravity, do exactly the opposite:
-- lose weight
-- get farther away from the object that gravity is attracting you to .

Also, don't forget: 
The forces of gravity always work both ways. 
The less the planet pulls on you, the less you pull on the planet.
The harder the planet pulls on you, the harder you pull on the planet.

Column A is in the x-axis, and column B is on the y-axis. Which titles should replace A and B


Column A: x-axis, input, domain

Column B: y-axis, output, range

Those are other ways to describe them

hope i helped:)

List the objects found in the universe in order of size


This is apartial list of Solar System objects by size, arranged in descending order of mean volumetricradius, and subdivided into several size classes. These lists can also be sorted according to an object'smassand, for the largest objects,volume,densityandsurface gravity, insofar as these values are available. This list contains theSun, theplanets,dwarf planets, many of the largersmall Solar System bodies(which includestheasteroids), all namednatural satellites, and a number of smaller objects of historical or scientific interest, such ascometsandnear-Earth objects.The ordering may be different depending on whether one chooses radius ormass, because some objects are denser than others. For instance,Uranusis larger thanNeptunebut less massive, and althoughGanymedeandTitanare larger thanMercury, they have less than half Mercury's mass. This means some objectsin the lower tables, despite their smaller radii, may be more massive than objects inthe upper tables because they have a higher density.Manytrans-Neptunian objects(TNOs) have been discovered, and their approximate locations in this list are shown, even though there can be a large uncertainty in their measurement.Solar Systemobjects more massive than 1021kilograms(oneyottagram [Yg]) are known or expected to be approximately spherical. Astronomical bodies relax into rounded shapes (ellipsoids), achievinghydrostatic equilibrium, when the gravity of their mass is sufficient to overcome the structural strength of their material. Objects made of ice become round more easily than those made of rock, and many icy objects are spheroidal at far lower sizes. The cutoff boundary for roundness is somewhere between 100 km and 200 kmin radius.[1]The larger objects in the mass range between 1018kgto 1021 kg (1 to 1000zettagrams [Zg]), such asTethys,Ceres, andMimas, have relaxed to anoblate-spheroidequilibrium due to their gravity, whereas the less massiverubble piles(e.g.AmaltheaandJanus) are roughly rounded,but not spherical, dubbed "irregular".

A group of students is measuring the change in momentum of an object. Which set of lab equipment would be most useful in measuring the momentum of an object?



Ruler/tape and stopwatch

Weighing balance


Since for momentum, we're concerned with mainly mass and velocity of an object then you will need weighing balance calibrated with the most accurate unit (normally grams or kilograms). The weighing balance will therefore be useful in measuring mass. To obtain velocity, you need to get distance that an object moves and divide it by time taken for the movement. Therefore, a tape or rule will be useful in measuring distance moved in meters while stopwatch will help you get time taken which consequently you use to get velocity.