Why did the Know-Nothing Party want to prevent immigrants from voting?


Answer 1
Answer: The Know-Nothing party wanted to prevent German and Irish Catholic immigrants from voting because they believed it would lead to the country being led by the Pope, and not by the people with republican values.
Answer 2


Members of the Know-Nothing Party believed immigrants were undermining American society.


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It could easily be argued that "Otto Von Bismarck" was the most influential in the unification of Germany, since he felt that all people of German blood should be in the same state. 

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The correct answer is C) both types of democracy give power to the elected representatives.

Direct democracy is similar to representative democracy in that both types of democracy give power to the elected representatives.

In these types of democracy, people decide through elections their representatives. The countries whose government is the result of representative democracy have different political parties. The citizens have elections in order to decide who their representatives in Congress will be. One way or the other, democracies allow people to express their opinions and the right to elect their type of government and legislators.  

Both types of democracy give power to the elected representatives.

Communist countries may pretend to be democratic (in fact, they put "democratic" in their names most of the time) but they are usually one-party dictatorships.
Hope that I helped!

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1. A government's power comes from the people.

Which Arab country was not greatly impacted by the "Arab Spring"?A. Tunisia
B. Iran
C. Libya
D. Egypt


The correct answer is B. Iran


The "Arab Spring" were different protests and uprisings during 2010 against the government in different areas of the Middle East. This event began in Tunisia as people protest against the oppression and poor conditions of living, but spread to other countries including Egypt in which the government was overthrown; Libya in which the protests lead to the assassination of the leader Gaddafi and a civil war and others such as Syria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Morocco and Saudi Arabia in which multiple protests took place and in most cases lead to some change in the government of that countries. However, it is considered the countries in which the uprisings and protests were major and more violent after the events in Tunisia were Egypt,  Yemen, Bahrain, and Lybia. Thus, the only country from the list that was not impacted by the "Arab Spring" was Iran as the protests and uprisings of this event were not spread to this country.

The answer is B. Iran.

The Arab Spring began in Tunisia.

Libya's dictator was overthrown during the Arab Spring. 

Protests in Egypt cause the 30-year ruling president to resign.

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In American history who were the white ethnics?



Immigrants from Europe, is the right answer.


The term White ethnic is used to describe the descendants of settlers from Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Ireland and France etc. Basically, these were White Americans who were not White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. in short, they were European settlers whose customs and language differed from the original White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.

Final answer:

'White ethnics' in American history refer to the European immigrants who came to the United States in the late 19th to early 20th century. They faced challenges and discrimination but ultimately became a significant part of American society.


In American history, the term 'white ethnics' refers to a group of European immigrants who migrated to the United States from the late 19th to the early 20th century. These immigrants came from countries such as Italy, Poland, Ireland, and Greece, among others.

They were referred to as 'white ethnics' because they were ethnically distinct from the dominant Anglo-Saxon Protestant population in America at the time. These immigrants faced challenges and discrimination as they sought to establish themselves in a new country.

Over time, the descendants of these white ethnics became an integral part of the American society, contributing to its cultural, economic, and political development.

Learn more about White ethnics in American history here:
