In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Dutch interest in the islands of Southeast Asia was mainly based on the


Answer 1
Answer: The answer would be : Spice Trade
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Dutch interest in the islands of Southeast Asia was mainly based on the spice trade potential that exist in the region. The dutch established a companies called VOC to handle this trade in the South East Asian Region.
Answer 2
Answer: The answer would be : Spice Trade
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Dutch interest in the islands of Southeast Asia was mainly based on the spice trade potential that exist in the region. The dutch established a companies called VOC to handle this trade in the South East Asian Region.

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Deng Xiaoping Was Significantly Different From Mao Zedong As The Leader Of The Chinese Communist Party Because He


The major difference between Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong can be simply put that Deng Xiaoping was much more practical and realistic.

Deng Xiaoping was not extreme as Mao Zedong, and unlike Mao who closed the country to the world and implemented non-realistic terrible economic policies, Deng reformed the economy of China and opened it up to the world.

Deng started with the Four Modernizations, which included the agriculture, industry, technology, and science development. He opened up the country gradually to the world, and gave his best to modernize the country, catch the pace of the developed countries, and make China a strong nation. All of his policies were perfected to detail, they were realistic, practical, and very efficient, resulting in great prosperity and development in China very rapidly, making China the biggest producer of goods in the world, as well as one of the strongest nations in every aspect in the world. No wonder that he is often referred to as the ''Greatest economist in the human history''.

Final answer:

Deng Xiaoping differed from Mao Zedong as he implemented economic reforms that shifted the country towards more free market practices, focused on economic development as a means to achieve Party goals, and opened up China to foreign investment. While Mao's policies were more isolationist and focused on pure Communist principles.


Deng Xiaoping was significantly different from Mao Zedong as the leader of the Chinese Communist Party due to several reasons. First, Deng reversed many of Mao's policies that had resulted in failure, such as the Great Leap Forward. Instead, Deng implemented economic reforms that allowed for more free market practices, this was a marked shift from Mao's rigid adherence to Communist principles. Deng allowed peasants to sell grain surpluses, which led to increased food production and alleviation of shortages. This was in contrast to Mao's policy of collectivization of agriculture.

Second, while Mao focused on revolutionary struggle as a means to achieve Communist goals, Deng Xiaoping focused on economic modernizing and building, believing that economic power was key to achieving the Party's goals. He also implemented political reforms, called for term limits and redrafting of the constitution.

Third, Mao Zedong managed the country with more of an isolationist view, believing in China's independent path to Communism that diverged from how it was achieved in Europe. In contrast, Deng opened China up to foreign investment and foreign companies, which greatly improved the Chinese standard of living and the country's economic position globally.

Learn more about Differences between Deng Xiaoping and Mao Zedong here:


How do you get off a challenge



I don't think you can unless you log out.



you need to log out, or just finish it


What is the definition of globalization


There is a plenty of definitions for globalization, but we can use a generic one to understand this phenomenon: the globalization is the modern state of the world, when people, culture, information, technology, products and many other things can be, easily trade between all nations (almost all) of all continents. This state has its origins in the early 15th/16th centuries, with the maritime expansion.

The Equal Rights Amendment: a) was proposed by the Women's Trade Union League. b) proposed to eliminate all legal distinctions based on sex. c) protected mother's pensions. d) had widespread support from all major female organizations. e) became law along with an amendment banning child labor.


B. It eliminated all legal distinctions “on account of sex.”

Immigrants from southern Europe who arrived in the U.S. during the late-19th and early-20th century tended to settle in





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They tended to settle in the northeast

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that is somekind of wraithng in ejept.


That is some kind of  wraithng in ejept.
