What type of weather can be found in South America, but not in Central America?


Answer 1
Answer: There is colder weather in the sub-tropical part of South America, as it is farthest from the equator than Central America is. Also the southernest part of Argentina and Chile is very cold as it is closest to the Antartida. 
Answer 2
Answer: You can find deserts in South America and not ir Central America.

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marigolds (the flower of the dead); favorite dishes such as tamales, tortillas, pumpkin and mole; candles; and objects of personal use.

1. Which one of the following is not a person? A. Un servidor B. Un rey C. Una reina D. Un arbol 2. Which of the following is the best response to "¿Cómo se siente?" A. Me siento bien. B. ¡Gracias! C. Hasta luego. D. Mañana volveré. 3. Choose the correct definition for bosque. A. shrubbery B. tree C. forest D. stream 4. Translate the phrase: Who likes to sing? A. ¿Les gusta cantar? B. ¿Le gustaba llorar? C. ¿A quién le gusta cantar? D. ¿A quién no le gusta cantar? 5. Which one of the following items can you not eat or drink? A. Un lápiz B. Los dulces C. Una manzana D. Una limonada 6. Choose the correct definition for drum. A. gato B. duque C. perro D. tambor 7. Choose the correct definition for dulce. A. bear B. sweet C. sour D. honey 8. Choose the correct Spanish translation for: To sing pleases him. A. Les gusta la reina B. Le gusta cantar C. Le gusta llorar D. Le gustaba cantar 9. Choose the correct translation of this Spanish phrase: La reina canta mejor que el rey. A. The queen sings better than the king. B. The queen sings worse than the king. C. The king sings better than the queen. D. The king sings worse than the queen. 10. Which of the following choices is not an option to complete this sentence? The friend goes to the _______ and buys a kilo of candies. A. mercado B. comedor C. vendedor D. entonces 11. Complete this statement: Catorce divided by siete equals A. seis. B. dos. C. cuatro. D. tres. 12. You're going to leave, but you're coming back tomorrow. What would you say? A. Ven conmigo mañana. B. Me siento muy bien. C. Pues todo anda bien. D. Mañana volveré. 13. Quince divided by cinco = _______. A. siete B. tres C. trece D. nueve 14. Translate this sentence into Spanish: "He likes to sing." A. Les gusta cantar. B. Le gusta cantar. C. Le gusta tocar. D. Le gusta llorar. 15. Choose the best word to complete this sentence. Maria _______ al mercado. A. dulce B. otra C. prueba D. compra 16. Translate this Spanish phrase into English: El toca peor que la reina. A. He sings better than the queen. B. He plays worse than the queen. C. He plays better than the queen. D. He sings worse than the queen. 17. Choose the correct English translation of this Spanish phrase: No le gusta llorar. A. She likes to sing. B. She likes to cry. C. They do not like to cry. D. She does not like to cry. 18. Choose the correct definition for dieciocho. A. 19 B. 16 C. 28 D. 18 19. Trece – siete = _______. A. cinco B. once C. dos End of exam D. seis 20. Which of the following is a person? A. servidor B. nariz C. chimenea D. árbol


1- D
2- A
3- C
4- C
5- A
6- D
7- B
8- B
9- A
10- D
11- ?
12- D
13- B
14- B
15- D
16- B
17- D
18- D
19- D
20- A
there u go hope it helps :D

(the only answer not added by the person above)

11. Complete this statement: Catorce divided by siete equals

B. dos.

It���s your turn to clean the table. in spanish


(Es tu turno de limpiar la mesa)
es su turno para limpiar la mesa

How might you describe the typical teen from Spain, based on the survey results? choose one response. A. Es sociable
B. Es artistico
C. Es deportista
D. Es perezoso.



Explanation: the answer is A

ANSWER-A.Es sociable

Listen to the audio, read the question, and choose the correct answer. Based on the audio, what can Lola do? Limpiar y ordenar. Guardar y pasar el aspirador. Arreglar y poner la mesa. Barrer y fregar.



Since this is a question that needs audio that I don't have access to, I can't give you the exact answer. But I can give you some advice so you can answer it on your own.


What you are asked in this question is to listen to an audio so that you can answer what Lola can do.

The options we have are:

  • Clean and order  (Limpiar y ordenar)
  • Store and vacuum  (Guardar y pasar el aspirador)
  • Set up and set the table  (Arreglar y poner la mesa)
  • Sweep and wash  (Barrer y fregar)

The best option is to listen to the audio more than once until you become familiar with it. I also recommend that you use the tool that most online translators have where you can paste the phrases in Spanish and reproduce them. This way if you hear something similar in the audio, you will get your correct answer.

To complete this exercise, you have to listen to an audio and then select the correct answer to the question "what can Lola do?".

However, since the audio is not available, what I can give you is advice on how to get the correct answer in this type of exercise:

  • Read the options you have to answer the question.
  • Find key words and search for the words you don't understand.
  • Then, listen to the audio for the first time trying to pay attention to those key words.
  • Listen to the audio all the times you need to be sure of your answer.

The translation of the options is the following:

  • Clean and tidy up.
  • Put away things and vacuum.
  • Set the table.
  • Sweep and wash.

Check more info in the following link brainly.com/question/20017341?referrer=searchResults