In a scene of at least two pages or a narrative of at least one page, depict or describe what happens to Rosencrantz and Guildenstern between the time they walk off stage in Tom Stoppard’s Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead and the time of their deaths at the hands of the English king. What do the characters do? What do they say? What events lead to their demise? How do they feel along the way? Remember to follow the rules presented in the Project Overview and to look at the ideas suggested there to help you if you get stuck.


Answer 1

In the play while Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are headed to meet the king they both know what their fate awaits them. Since they are use to let things happen and do not take control over their own lives; they resort to gambling and rationalizing to avoid any guilt.

The events that led to their demise started from the delivery of the letter to them. That letter had the order to kill hamlet. But hamlet changed it to condemn both Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. After they realized their situation they just spent their last moments thinking what they had missed that led to this.

I hope this helps, Regards.

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 Marcia dissolve more concentrated.
because 1 kg of salt = 2.2 lbs
and 3L of water = 6.33pints

Compare to Bobby who dissolve 2 lbs of salt and 7 pints of water.

Maria used more salt than water so her work is more concentrated.


 Marcia dissolve more concentrated.

because 1 kg of salt = 2.2 lbs

and 3L of water = 6.33pints

Compare to Bobby who dissolve 2 lbs of salt and 7 pints of water.

Maria used more salt than water so her work is more concentrated.


How could you use the purposes when you write things yourself?



When writing, you can use the purposes to help guide and shape your content. Here's how you can incorporate them:

1. Informative Purpose: If your goal is to inform or educate your readers, ensure that your writing presents accurate and reliable information. Use clear and concise language, provide relevant examples and evidence, and organize your content logically.

2. Persuasive Purpose: When you aim to persuade your audience, focus on presenting compelling arguments and evidence to support your viewpoint. Use persuasive language, appeal to emotions, and anticipate and address counterarguments to strengthen your position.

3. Entertaining Purpose: If your intention is to entertain your readers, prioritize engaging and captivating storytelling techniques. Use descriptive language, create vivid characters and settings, and incorporate elements of suspense, humor, or surprise to keep your audience entertained.

4. Expressive Purpose: When writing to express yourself or convey personal opinions, feelings, or experiences, be authentic and genuine. Use descriptive language, share personal anecdotes or reflections, and convey your emotions effectively to connect with your readers on a deeper level.

By considering these purposes, you can tailor your writing to effectively achieve your specific goals and engage your intended audience.

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C.lyric poem


I would actually say A. Narrative poem. This is because it tells a story while still successfully being a poem. Novels just tell stories but don't have the poetic part included.

narrative poem

only narrative poem uses both techniques

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The correct answer is the second sentence "Starting on a project at the last minute can increase anxiety". This is correct and the increased anxiety can lead to the failure of the project. This is why one should always start on time.