Which statements describe how Antinous is portrayed in this excerpt from Book 21 of the Odyssey?Antinous saw, and said:
"Hence to your fields, ye rustics! hence away,
Nor stain with grief the pleasures of the day;
Nor to the royal heart recall in vain
The sad remembrance of a perish'd man.
Enough her precious tears already flow—
Or share the feast with due respect; or go
To weep abroad, and leave to us the bow,
No vulgar task! Ill suits this courtly crew
That stubborn horn which brave Ulysses drew.
I well remember (for I gazed him o'er
While yet a child), what majesty he bore!
And still (all infant as I was) retain
The port, the strength, the grandeur of the man."

He said, but in his soul fond joys arise,
And his proud hopes already win the prize.
To speed the flying shaft through every ring,
Wretch! is not thine: the arrows of the king
Shall end those hopes, and fate is on the wing!

He is deceitful and unfaithful to Ulysses.
He is trustworthy and loyal to Ulysses.
He wants to win the contest and take the place of Ulysses.
He wants to win the contest to win Penelope’s heart.
He mocks Ulysses's bravery and strength.


Answer 1

The statements that describe how Antinous is portrayed in the excerpt of the Odyssey are the following:

  • He is deceitful and unfaithful to Ulysses
  • He wants to win the contest and take the place of Ulysses
  • He mocks Ulysses's bravery and strength.

The Odyssey is one of the two major ancient Greek poems considered to be written by Homer. One of its characters, Antinous, is portrayed as an arrogant character from the beginning, plotting to kill Telemachus and never showing any sign of good spirit or kindness. He is the first one to die once Odysseus returns.

Answer 2
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "He wants to win the contest and take the place of Ulysses." The statements that describe how Antinous is portrayed in this excerpt from Book 21 of the Odyssey is that He wants to win the contest and take the place of Ulysses.

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One advantage of using dialogue in a narrative essay is to


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Final answer:

Using dialogue in a narrative essay can reveal character traits and motivations and advance the plot through the revelation of crucial information or triggering of action.


One major advantage of using dialogue in a narrative essay is to bring about a greater depth of character and to propel the story forward. Dialogue allows characters to express themselves, giving the reader insight into their characteristics, desires, and motivations. This increases the reader's engagement and understanding of the characters. For example, a character's use of language, tone, and the content of their conversation can reveal their personality or their attitude towards other characters. Moreover, dialogue can advance the plot by revealing critical information, triggering conflict, or instigating action. Therefore, dialogue is a powerful tool in narrative essays.

Learn more about Use of Dialogue here:



Which one of the following is an indicator that a source may not be accurate?A. You're unable to find any other source that presents the same exact information or point of view.
B. The writing is sub-par or contains errors.
C. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations.
D. The author is using emotionally charged language and inappropriate words or employing a tone that reveals an obvious bias.


C -
Here are some indicators that a source may not be accurate:
There is no publication date on the document, preventingthe reader from determining the age of the informationin question.The author makes vague statements and/or uses sweepinggeneralizations instead of offering facts, statistics, orspecific examples. This implies that there are no facts tosupport what the author is saying (or that he or she wastoo lazy to find them) and should immediately cause thereader to become suspicious
C. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations.

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b. She wants her Ma.
c. She wants water.
d. She feels guilty.


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A. Both Greta and Fred
B. Looked forward
C. Already missed
D. On the other hand


D. On the other hand 

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