Which questions would most help a reader identify the author’s purpose for writing? Check all that apply.What type of text is this?
What type of reviews did the book receive?
How many copies of the book have been sold?
What is the central idea?
How does this text make one feel?


Answer 1


The correct options are:

  • What type of text is this?
  • What is the central idea?
  • How does this text make one feel?


Different types of text are associated with certain porpouses. For instance, an article or an expository essay might look to infrom a reader, while a short story or a novel might strive to entertain.

The central idea is the second clue, since the topic and focus of the writing are presented here. A text that revolves around the Revolutionary War might be seeking to inform, explore, or discuss the topic, while another one that deals with a critique of different types of music could be trying to just present the author's point of view.

If all of the above still leaves uncertainty, the feeling created on the reader could be another clue. If a text makes the reader question their point of view, the author might have been looking to make their readers reflect.

Answer 2
Answer: What type of text is this?

What is the central idea?

How does this text make one feel?

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B) coherence
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Species are disappearing at an accelerating rate through human action, primarily habitat destruction but also pollution and the introduction of exotic species into residual natural environments. I have said that a fifth or more of the species of plants and animals could vanish or be doomed to early extinction by the year 2020 unless better efforts are made to save them. . . . As the last forests are felled [destroyed] in forest strongholds like the Philippines and Ecuador, the decline of species will accelerate even more. In the world as a whole, extinction rates are already hundreds or thousands of times higher than before the coming of man. They cannot be balanced by new evolution in any period of time that has meaning for the human race.Why should we care? What difference does it make if some species are extinguished, if even half of all the species on earth disappear? Let me count the ways. New sources of scientific information will be lost. Vast potential biological wealth will be destroyed. Still undeveloped medicines, crops, pharmaceuticals, timber, fibers, pulp, soil-restoring vegetation, petroleum substitutes, and other products and amenities will never come to light.

Based on the excerpt, which statement best summarizes the author’s beliefs about the disappearing species?
The loss of plant species and habitats will lead to widespread animal extinction.
The loss of plant species and habitats will lead to environmental problems in remote regions.
The loss of plant species and habitats will displace animals and decrease human wealth.
The loss of plant species and habitats will devastate animals and hinder human progress.


The loss of plant species and habitats will lead to widespread animal extinction.

This tragedy and ongoing onslaught of human exploitation of the earth's resources could cause serious effects on our environment and the living organisms that thrive on these ecosystems and habitats. 
The loss of plant species and habitats will lead to widespread animal extinction.

The excerpt states "
a fifth or more of the species of plants and animals could vanish or be doomed to early extinction by the year 2020." The author explains the causes of these extinctions are "through human action, primarily habitat destruction but also pollution and the introduction of exotic species into residual natural environments." The author then goes on to explain the ramifications of the animal extinctions. 

Which letter or letters in the outline should be capitalized?I. Introduction
a. Topic sentence
b. Evidence

Choose all answers that are correct.




I. Introduction

     A. Topic Sentence

     B.  Evidence


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