Describe four main types of resistant forces


Answer 1

The four main forces of resistance are objects with mass, inertia, and momentum; friction; gravity; and air resistance. Objects with mass are able to provide resistance by colliding with other objects.

Further Explanation

In physics, the weight of an object is the force caused by gravity related to the mass of the object. The mass of an object is fixed everywhere, but the weight of an object will vary according to the magnitude of the gravitational acceleration at that place.

Inertia or inertia is the tendency of all physical objects to resist changes in their state of motion. Numerically, this is represented by the mass of the object. The principle of inertia is one of the foundations of classical physics that is used to describe the motion of objects and the influence of forces applied to them. The word inertia comes from the Latin word, "iners", which means inert, or lazy.

In physics, momentum or momentum is a quantity related to the velocity and mass of an object.

Friction is a force that is directed against the motion of objects or the direction of the tendency of moving objects. Friction occurs when two objects touch. The objects referred to here do not have to be solid, but can also be liquid, or gas.

Gravity or gravity is the force of attraction that occurs between all particles that have mass in the universe. Sun's gravity causes celestial bodies to be in their respective orbits around the sun.

Air resistance is the frictional force experienced by objects as they move through the air or the air flowing around them. Air resistance is usually opposed to the movement of objects or the flow of air around them and is created by air friction on the outer surface of objects.

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The four main forces of resistance



Class: High School

Subject: Health

Keyword: forces of resistance, mass, inertia, friction

Answer 2
Answer: 1.Tension Force- Force transmitted by  string , rope , cable , or wire.
2.Air Resistance Force- Frictional force that acts upon objects as they travel through the air.
3.Gravity Force-Force with  Earth, Moon , or massively massive object
4.Friction Force- force exerted by a surface as an object moves across it

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Final answer:

The adaptive immune system consists of cellular and humoral immunity, involving an effective, specialized response to specific pathogens, utilizing memory function for rapid response in future encounters. It works more effectively than the innate immunity.


The adaptive immune system consists of cellular immunity and humoral immunity. Cellular immunity involves the direct attack of infected cells by T cells. The T cells recognize and respond to the antigens present on the infected cells and destroy them. This process is highly specialized, reliable, and tailor-made to deal with specific pathogens.

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