Describe the condition of the South Vietnamese government by 1964?


Answer 1
Answer: Around 1964, the condition of South Vietnamese government was in the verge of crisis due the threat of north vietnamese power. The communist rebels from the north vietnam seem to gain more and more power within the country as the south vietnam's keep losing influence

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In this activity, you will read some sermons given by George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards. Then write an essay at least 150 words long comparing the two preachers in terms of the content and the intent of their sermons.


During the First Great Awakening, preachers like George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards were active.

What is the comparison between the two preachers?

The theological perspectives that altered the colonies in America during the Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s vary. When this movement began, preachers traveled from city to city, proclaiming the word of their God and offering salvation.

Jonathan Edwards was a well-known preacher who delivered a well-known sermon on sinners in the hands of the well-known God. He has also given talks, written diaries, and written commentary. Edwards believed that his advice would guide people down the correct path and remind them of the consequences of not confessing their faults. Edwards, alas, saw much worse than hell.

George Whitefield was an evangelist who began preaching fervently, which aided in the spread of the awakening throughout England and the colonies. Its goal is to let Christians see their own souls and convert their hearts to God.

For more information about the preachers, refer below


George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards were preachers during the First Great awakening.


  • The Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s differed in the religious views that changed the colonies in America. This movement came into existence, the preachers traveled from one city to another, spreading the word of their God with salvation
  • Jonathan Edwards was one of the most famous preachers to give the most famous sermon on sinners in the hands of the famous God. He has also produced lectures, journals and commentaries. Edwards hoped that his wisdom would lead people to the right path and remind them of the destiny that awaits them if they fail to confess their sins. Edwards sadly looked much deeper than hell.
  • George Whitefield was an evangelist who began to preach vigorously, which helped to spread the awakening in England and the colonies. Its purpose is for Christian people to see their souls and turn their hearts toward God.



The passage reinforces the idea that the Mongols used strategy in conquering other areas. The passage highlights the tactics used by the Mongols in conquering areas such as spreading panic among the local populace, forging letters to create mistrust, and promising life and property to those who offered no resistance. The passage also mentions the use of terrible destruction and bloody examples to spread fear and reduce the populace's will to resist.The correct option is (A) the Mongols used strategy in conquering other areas.

hope this helps

Select all that apply.Which of the following is an example of a primary source?
a diary entry written during the time period that is being studied
a letter written during the time period that is being studied
a newspaper article published thirty years after the event that is being studied
a book about an event that is written by a historian


The correct answers are

1)  A diary entry written during the time period that is being studied.

2) A letter written during the time period that is being studied.

A primary source is one in which an individual writes about an event that they were a part of our witnessed. In the aforementioned answer choices, this is the case as the person is writing during the time period in which the event actually happened.

The other two choices represent secondary sources. Secondary sources are written after the event takes place and often depend on primary sources in order to understand historical patterns.

A diary entry and a letter written during the time period that is being studied both would be considered a primary source.

What is the name of the person who said, “give me liberty, or give me death”?


Patrick Henry"Give me liberty, or give me death!" is a quotation attributed to Patrick Henry from a speech he made to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia.
In March 1775, at the third Virginia convention, held in St. John's Church in Richmond, to discuss relations with Great Britain, Patrick Henry made his timeless "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!" speech.

In what year did the civil war being?


The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 when the Confederate soldiers bombed fort Sumter, which was under Union Control.  The Civil War ended  on April 9, 1865 when Robert E. Lee a general in  the Confederate Army surrendered at McLean House in the village known as Appomattox Court House in Virginia. April 9th is considered the official date when the war ended however, there were still some fighting that happened afterwards. Hopefully this helps.

The American Civil war started on April 12, 1861 and ended on May 10th, 1865

One concern the colonists had while living as colonists under king George was ___________________.


One concern the colonists had was getting taxed

Final Answer:

One concern the colonists had while living as colonists under King George was taxation without representation.


The primary concern of the colonists during their time under King George's rule was taxation without representation. This phrase encapsulates the colonists' dissatisfaction with being taxed by the British government without having a voice or representation in the decision-making process. Essentially, the colonists had no say in how taxes were imposed upon them, which they viewed as a violation of their rights and a form of oppression.

This concern came to a head in the mid-18th century when the British government, seeking to replenish its coffers after the costly French and Indian War, imposed a series of taxes on the American colonies. The Stamp Act, Sugar Act, and Townshend Acts were among the most notable examples. The colonists, who had no elected representatives in the British Parliament, felt that these taxes were unjust and resented being subject to laws they had no part in creating.

This taxation issue was a catalyst for the American Revolution, leading to events such as the Boston Tea Party and the eventual declaration of independence in 1776. The colonists' demand for representation and control over their own taxation formed a cornerstone of the principles that would shape the United States' government and the drafting of the Constitution. In summary, taxation without representation was a fundamental concern for the colonists under King George's rule, ultimately driving them to seek independence and lay the groundwork for the American nation.

Learn more about taxation without representation
