Chromosomes must form right at the beginning of mitosis so they can distributed properly.True or False?


Answer 1
Answer: True, this must happen in order for mitosis to correctly occur.

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Which of the following is true about soil color? a. A dark color indicates that the soil is poor in organic matter. b. Bright yellow and red colors indicate large amounts of organic matter. c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum. d. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of calcium or magnesium.


Answer: c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum.

Soil color is a property of soil, it depends on various factors like the amount of organic matter present in the soil, type of minerals and porosity of soil (amount of pores present in the soil). Usually, dark soils have comparatively higher organic matter content than light colored soils.

Yellow or red hues in the soil indicates the presence of iron or aluminum it is the true statement about soil color. It depicts the fact that the color of soil is because of presence of particular mineral in it. Yellow or red color of the soil is an indicative of iron in the oxidized form as ferric iron oxides.

The only one correct answer would be:

c. Yellow or red hues in the soil indicate the presence of iron or aluminum. 

The bottleneck event that decimated the bison was caused by _______.


The answer is an overhunting.

The bottleneck event means drastic reduction of the population size because of environment changes. The consequence of this is the reduction of genetic variation. The bison population is a good example of the population bottleneck. The bison population drastically reduced its size due to overhunting which culminated at the end of the 19th century, when bisons almost extinct. 

Spittlebugs release foam to hide themselves in branches. What kind of adaptation is this?



Behavioral adaptation


There are mainly three types of adaptation seen in an organism that are structural, physiological, and behavioral adaptation. Structural adaptation is mainly physical adaptation in some structures of the organism like teeth are different in different organisms according to the food they eat.

Physiological adaptation is the adaption occurs due to change in the external stimuli in physiology of an organism. Behavioral adaptation is the adaptation that helps organism to survive in their environment. Their behavior can be learned or present from birth.  

Spittlebugs release foam to hide in branches is an example of behavioral adaptation because this is the instinct of spittlebugs which protects them from predators and helps it to survive in its habitat.  

So it is in the behavior of spittlebugs to release foam when it feels a threat and when it does not feel threat it does not form the foam.

It's a behavioral adaptation. They developed the ability to produce their spittle over time. It's not structural adaptation, because the spittle bugs themselves didn't change in appearance, and it's not a physiological adaptation because they didn't develop anything internally.

Hope this helps!

Which tissue acts as a cushion and protects the body? a. epithelial tissue. c. muscle tissue. b. nervous tissue. d. connective tissue.


The tissue acts as a cushion and protects the body is c the muscle tissue.

In which step of the scientific method is information obtained through the senses?a. drawing conclusions
b. making observations
c. analyzing data
d. revising a hypothesis


The scientific method of making observations is how information isobtained through the senses. A person can see, touch, smell and hearthings in order to make an educated guess to how things will end uppanning out for whatever scientific things they are researching.

Making observations is the step of scientific method in which information is obtained through the senses.  

Making an observation is the first step of scientific method where scientists gets curious about a natural occurrence or a phenomenon.

Further Explanation.

  • Scientific method involves a process where researchers or scientists search for answers to certain questions and solutions to problems.
  • Scientific methods are used by scientists or researchers to test a given hypothesis.

Steps involved in Scientific method

Making an observation and asking question.

  • Making observation is the first step of any scientific process. The scientists make observations about a natural phenomenon.
  • After making observations scientist asks a question about an observed phenomenon or pattern.  
  • Observations may be qualitative where the occurrences are described in ways that do not use numbers or quantitative where observations contain numbers and other features.

Formulating a hypothesis

  • Hypothesis refers to probable answers to the question asked and one that can be tested experimentally. Hypothesis is therefore a possible explanation for a given observation or occurrence.
  • For the observation that we experience alternating periods of light and darkness that correspond to the movement of the sun, moon, and clouds. The hypothesis here would be; The earth rotates on its axis for 24 hours, thus, exposing one side to the sun or else the sun revolves around the earth for twenty four hours.

Designing and performing experiments

  • Suitable experiments be carried out  to test the  validity of the hypothesis formulated.
  • Experiments refers to organised measurements or observations normally made under controlled environment.

Accept or modify the Hypothesis  

  • The experiment conducted helps the researchers or scientists to determine whether the hypothesis formulated is valid. If the hypothesis is valid then they proceed to the next step of scientific method.
  • However, if the experiments demonstrate that the hypothesis is incorrect then it must be corrected for further experimentation.

Developing a law and/or a theory  

  • After conducting experiments and analyzing the results obtained, the researchers may test whether the results are reproducible and hence a law may formulated to allow general prediction.
  • A scientific law describes a phenomenon or pattern, it describes what happens but does not explain why.

Key words: Scientific method, making observation

Learn more about;  

  1. Scientific method;
  2. Steps involved in scientific method:

Level: high school  

Subject: Biology

Topic: scientific method  

Sub-topic: steps involved in scientific method

What determines the charge of an atom?


It depends on the amount of electrons in the atoms to make it either positive or negative.


depends on protons and electrons


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