Between 1450 and 1750 Empire such as the ottoman and Chinese shared what


Answer 1


the Ming Dynasty is the answer.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The Ottoman Empire and Ming China played a crucial role in global trade during the period between 1450 and 1750. They controlled trade routes, facilitated the exchange of goods, and had a significant impact on the economy and cultural exchange.


During the period between 1450 and 1750, both the Ottoman Empire and China shared control of trade routes and had a significant impact on global trade. The Ottoman Empire controlled key parts of the Silk Road and Red Sea ports, allowing them to dominate the spice trade and facilitate trade with India and East Asia. Meanwhile, China under the Ming Dynasty expanded its trade relationships with foreign nations and implemented the Canton system to increase trade with Europe. Both empires played a crucial role in the exchange of goods, ideas, and technologies between different regions.

Learn more about Trade and Empires here:


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The United Kingdom was tied by alliance to France and Belgium (as well as to Russia).  Germany was tied by alliance to Austria-Hungary (and also to Italy, but Italy would later change sides).   Those alliances would kick in as World War I erupted -- in particular, Germany's alliance with Austria-Hungary would have a key role in starting the war.

The United Kingdom had the world's strongest navy in the years building up to World War I, and Germany was doing all it could to build up its naval capabilities to catch up to the British.  The competition for supremacy was a big part of the events leading up to World War I.

When the Austrian prince Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, the German alliance kicked in before the British were directly involved in any way.  Russia had mobilized its armies against Austria, to come to the defense of Serbia as an ally.  (The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was carried out in Serbia by a Serbian nationalist group.)  Germany warned Russia to halt its troop mobilization, and when the Russians did not do so, Germany went to war. However, the German war plan, based on Russia's alliance with France, was to go and attack France first.  The Germans went through Belgium in their attack on France.  Both as a guarantor of Belgian neutrality and as an ally of France, thus the United Kingdom became involved in the war.

So, both Germany and the United Kingdom were reacting to events, but they also were both causes of the events that were leading to the war.  Increasing militarization and alliance systems were a big part of the events leading to World War I, and both Germany and the UK were involved in that.

Answer:   The United Kingdom was a member of the Triple Entente, while Germany was a member of the Triple Alliance.


What are 4 reasons the United states was unprepared for war with Britain.


You didn't give a context for your question.  Perhaps your question was in regard to the Revolutionary War, or perhaps in reference to the War of 1812.  The other respondent's answer gives good thoughts on why the US was unprepared for the War of 1812.  

Let me just say a bit about the victory of the newly declared United States over Britain in the Revolutionary War.  You would not have thought the former colonies would have been able to overcome the might of the British empire then, but they did.  Some of the factors that helped the United States win its independence were these:
1. Strongly motivated, fighting for their independence.
2. Use of an outstanding spy network to gather intelligence on British troop movements.
3. Alliance with France, which provided much funding as well as military support.
4. Use of innovative tactics of warfare, such as snipers.
5. George Washington's decision to inoculate the whole army against smallpox in 1777.  Smallpox was a major killer of soldiers on both sides in the war.  Washington's bold move to inoculate all his troops gave the colonists an advantage.
1. Did not have the strength of the mighty British empire 
2. Did not have the weapons
3. did not have enough men
4. Did not have a large navy, it was very small

1 Push/pull factors are usually the cause ofwhich of the following concepts?
A migration/immigration
B reform movements
D conflict/change


The correct option is D.

What is conflict change?

A change conflict happens when two people change the same page at the same time. To understand what a changeconflict is about, have a look at the following situation: Alan clicks on "Change" to make changes to a page. Jane clicks on "Change" on the same page while Alan is making changes to the page.

What is the concept of conflict?

Conflict is an activity that takes place between conscious, though not necessarily rational, beings. If two astronomical bodies collide, we do not say that they are in conflict. A conflict is defined in terms of the wants, needs, or obligations of the parties involved.

Learn more about the conflict here



D,) conflict/change


Hope this helps and have a blessed day!! :))

PLEASE HELP ME ASAP!!! It can be short or SUPER BIG i would like it SUPER BIG, But please please HELP ME WITH THIS!!! (IT SHOULD GIVE YOU A HUNDRED POINTS) Use What You Know
As a television news reporter, you have been asked to prepare a series of news features about Jerusalem. Today you will present the first in the series. Your assignment is to explain the importance of the city of Jerusalem. Use any resources available to you to gather information and locate pictures. Present your feature live to some people or videotape it.Your feature should:
Identify on a map:

•The city of Jerusalem
•Include information about:The area known as Canaan

How Jerusalem became the capital of the kingdom
•Hebrew beliefs about Solomon's temple
•The importance of Jerusalem to the Hebrew people
•The interaction between the Hebrews and nearby groups (including the Philistines, Assyrians, and Babylonians) in the region in ancient times
•Information resources that may be helpful include:Reference books
•Grolier's online encyclopedia
•World History time line



The long history of Jerusalem began well before it was captured by King David and made into the Capital of the People of Israel 3,000 years ago. Archeaological findings indicate the existence of a settlement in Jerusalem in the 3rd millenium BCE. The first mention of the city in historic sources begins in the 2nd millenium BCE.

The Ma'arot Writings, written in hieroglyphics, were meant to put a curse on the enemies of Egypt. They were written in the 18th and 19th centuries B.C., on small statues of prisoners or on bowls. The name "Rashlemum" (Jerusalem) is mentioned on some of them. The verse in Genesis 11;18 "and Malchi-Tzedek King of Salem brought forth bread and wine and he is priest to the Almighty God above," refers to that same period, which is known in the Bible as the period of the Patriarchs.

In the middle of the 2nd millenium B.C.E. the King of Egypt and his advisors carried on a volumous correspondence with the governors of the cities in the Land of Israel that were under Egyptian suzerainty. There was antagonism among these governors, and in their letters, pictured on the right, they complain about each other, and request help (one chariot or ten soldiers), to defeat their enemies, whom they describe, of course, as the enemies of the king. The letters were written in cuneiform, in the Akkadian language (which was the international language then, much as English is today), and some of them were found in Egypt, in the archive of the capital city, El-Amarna. Six of the letters found were written by the governor of Jerusalem ("Ershalem").


This should help you a little.. if you have any questions you can add and message me and i would love to help you.<3


The long history of Jerusalem began well before it was captured by King David and made into the Capital of the People of Israel 3,000 years ago. Archeaological findings indicate the existence of a settlement in Jerusalem in the 3rd millenium BCE. The first mention of the city in historic sources begins in the 2nd millenium BCE.


1. What factors led to the French Revolution?



Social Inequality in France due to the Estates System.

Tax Burden on the Third Estate

The Rise of the Bourgeoisie

Ideas put forward by Enlightenment philosophers

Financial Crisis caused due to Costly Wars

The Rise in the Cost of Bread.

