Why does Odysseus choose to go on Scylla's side of the strait?


Answer 1
Answer: The strait is narrow and so Odysseus has to pass by either Scylla or Charybdis. Circe tells Odysseus that Charybdis is far more dangerous, as 3 times a day it sucks in all the waters around it. This would completely suck in Odysseus and his ship if he is sailing too close to Charybdis. Circe advises Odysseus to go to Scylla's side of the strait, for despite the danger of the monster, it is preferable to lose a half-dozen men than the whole ship.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Odysseus chooses to navigate the side of the strait where Scylla resides to minimize potential loss. He knows Scylla will take six of his men whereas Charybdis could result in a complete loss of his crew.


In Homer's epic, The Odyssey, Odysseus chooses to go on Scylla's side of the strait because he prefers to face a known danger that will definitely take a small number of his men (Scylla), rather than risk the uncertainty and potential complete loss of his crew that facing Charybdis may result in. Scylla, a six-headed monster, is guaranteed to take six of Odysseus's men, while Charybdis, a deadly whirlpool, could potentially sink his entire ship. Thus, the decision is strategic, aiming to minimize the potential loss.

Learn more about Odysseus and Scylla here:



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What theme does “ the love song of J.Alfred Prufrock” share with “ The Jilting of granny weatherall”



The theme they share is indeed the inevitability of death.


"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock", by T. S. Eliot, revolves around the speaker's feeling of disillusionment and isolation. The speaker has accepted his own insignificance, his inability to connect with other human beings. The poem reveals the inevitability of old age and death. Prufrock repeats "I am growing old" as he sees life pass him by, death getting closer.

The same theme is found in the short story "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" by Katherine Anne Porter. The main character is Granny Weatherall, an 80-year-old woman who is about to die. Granny, unlike Prufrock, has lived a rich life. She got married, raised her kids, worked hard... Still, death will happen for her just like it happens for everyone. Old age has come for her body, even if her heart is still young - and still preoccupied with the one man who left her.

There is nothing any of those two characters can do about death. No matter what kind of life they lived, they will both die, sooner or later. Therefore, the shared theme is the inevitability of death.

The inevitability of death

Which is the subject of this sentence? For once in your life, try something new and exciting.



an understood you


i know its "you" but is it your? thats what i dont get!!


C is the correct answer. There is an understood you as follows: “for once in your life, [you should] try something new and exciting”. ‘For once in your life’ in this sentence is an adjunct and is extra information given to emphasise the strength of the speaker’s feelings.


C. an understood you


I'm probably so late. Sorry mate...

WRITE A PARAGRAPH!!I need paragraph 4-5 sentences long. It all has to relate to the topic sentence and the topic sentence has to be the first sentence. Make sure its all in unity. This one is sorta like my last one but it has to be an informative paragraph. It can be about anything.

Good luck ^-^


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The "elephant in the room" is the question: Should it ?

Final answer:

The paragraph describes the Grand Canyon, a significant natural feature in the U.S., detailing its location, formation history, and the value it holds for different populations.


The Grand Canyon is one of the most notable natural features in the United States. Located in the state of Arizona, it spans over 227 miles in length and ranges in width from about 4 miles at its narrowest point to 18 miles at its widest. Formed over billions of years through geological processes, this iconic landmark boasts breathtaking views and rich biodiversity. Its dramatic landscapes capture the stunning grandeur of nature, making it a critical study area for geologists and a treasured spot for tourists and adventurers alike.

Learn more about The Grand Canyon here:



What are 6 differences and similarities between fiction and non fiction


1) They are both genres of books.
2) They can be any length.
3) Often times when writing either one, authors will start will a brief outline or plan.
4) Both may contain dialogue and/or quotes.
5) Both contain narrative.
6) Both may teach you something whether its a fact, a lesson, and/or a moral.

1) Fiction is not real, while nonfiction is about something that happened.
2) Fiction can take place in the past, present, or future, while non fiction can only take place in the past or present.
3) In fiction you can reference a real person, but in nonfiction you cannot reference one that was made up.
4) You will often find a bibliography in nonfiction books, but not in fiction ones.
5) Nonfiction books are categorized by the Dewey Decimal System in libraries, where fiction books are typically alphabetized.
6) Nonfiction books can be kept in the reference section of the library, but fiction ones are not. 

Answer: The term nonfiction refers to works of writing that deal with true facts. On the other hand, fiction is a product of the author's imagination. While nonfiction works can be categorized as fitness, economics, home decoration, etc., fiction includes plenty of genres like romance, science fiction, thriller, etc.


What does "unable to be harmed" mean?


you cant harm something. harm means hit or damaged
there are three thing i know about '' unable to be harmed'':
1. any of physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.
2. the occurrence of a change for the worse
3. the act of some one damaging something or someone
hope this help

Why do the thieves want to kill the person who found their cave? What does this reveal about the thieves


They are revengefull.
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