_______ is a fuel produced by fermenting crops


Answer 1
Answer: Biofuel / Ethanol Fuel

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No, this is false!

The area called the "Rust belt" is called like this because it used to be an important place for the industry, but it's not anymore, so the machines can be said to have gotten "rusty". This is the reason for the name, not the weather. 




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There are a number of reasons why it is hotter near the equator. The chief factor is that the sun is at a rather slant angle at the poles when the sun is overhead at the equator. Another factor is absorption and scattering of sunshine as it passes through the atmosphere.

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B) describe its neighboring nations.
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The best answer is A. One way to use culture to describe a place is to list the main languages of that place. Language will tell us a lot of things like its history and influences about that certain place. Language expresses who a person is as an individual in a community. It is a verbal expression of culture.

what is the total magnification of a microscope with one lens that has a magnification of 20 and a second lens that has a magnification of 40




How to Calculate Magnification on a Light Microscope

Updated April 30, 2018

By Karen G Blaettler

Microscopes magnify the tiniest inhabitants of this world. From the minute details of cells to the delicate cilia of paramecium to the intricate workings of Daphnia, microscopes reveal many miniscule secrets. Calculating total magnification uses simple observation and basic multiplication.

Basic Microscope Design

Microscopes use lenses to magnify objects. A simple microscope uses only one lens; a magnifying glass could be called a simple microscope. The magnification of a simple microscope doesn't need any calculation because the single lens is usually labeled. A hand-lens, for example, might be labeled with 10x, meaning the lens magnifies the object to look ten times larger than the actual size.

Compound microscopes use two or more lenses to magnify the specimen. The standard school microscope combines two lenses, the ocular and one objective lens, to magnify the object. The ocular or eyepiece is found at the top of the body tube. The objective lens points down toward the object to be magnified. Most microscopes have three or four objective lenses mounted on a rotating nosepiece. Rotating the nosepiece lets the viewer change the magnification. Different objective lenses provide different magnification options.

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Finding Lens Magnification

Finding the magnification of each lens requires examining the casing of each lens. On the side of the casing is a series of numbers that includes a number followed by x, as 10x. This 10x shows that the lens magnifies an object to appear ten times larger than reality. Depending on the manufacturer, this magnification number may appear at the beginning or at the end of the number sequence. To calculate total magnification, find the magnification of both the eyepiece and the objective lenses. The common ocular magnifies ten times, marked as 10x. The standard objective lenses magnify 4x, 10x and 40x. If the microscope has a fourth objective lens, the magnification will most likely be 100x.

Calculating Magnification

Once the magnification of each individual lens is known, calculating total magnification is simple math. Multiply the magnification of the lenses together. For example, if the eyepiece magnification is 10x and the objective lens in use has a magnification of 4x, the total magnification is 10 × 4 = 40. The total magnification of 40 means that the object appears forty times larger than the actual object. If the viewer changes to the 10x objective lens, the total magnification will be the ocular's 10x magnification multiplied by the new objective lens's 10x magnification, calculated as 10 × 10, for a total magnification of 100x.



Explanation: 40 + 20 = 60

Which noteworthy line of longitude runs through the united kingdom?


The prime meridian runs through the uk
Hope this helps

Who are the Walloons?A. Flemish Belgians living in France

B. immigrants to Belgium from the Netherlands

C. residents of the Flanders region

D. Belgians who speak French


The Answer is:

D. Belgians who speak french