When securing the vehicle, what should be the first task


Answer 1
Answer: The first task should be done while securing the vehicle is stopping in a legal, secure, parking space.So that we can avoid conflicts in parking the vehicles.Parking in a legal space will be the extra security for our vehicle.There is no any traffic collisions while taking or parking the car.Then police won't charge any fine for our vehicle if we park in legal space.
Answer 2

When securing the vehicle, what should be the first task is Stopping the vehicle

Further explanation

When securing the vehicle, what should be the first task is...

A. Setting the parking brake.

B. Stopping in a legal, secure parking space.

C. Placing the gear selector in the park (P).

D. Turning off any accessories.

Road rules are made to protect drivers that using the road as well as those who do not use the road.

Securing a vehicle being driven is the big part of road safety and driving rules. Parking / securing a vehicle means stopping and leaving it unoccupied. There are rules for parking a vehicle. All follow it will resulting in lesser conflicts or accidents.

The first task when securing a vehicle is stopping in a legal, secure, parking space. Therefore we can avoid conflicts in parking the vehicles.


  • -Consider a safe parking zone, look for designated parking spots
  • -Make sure to check that the spot of your choosing has a time limit for parking or not.
  • -Choose a legal spot and check if there are minimum parking distances required
  • -Once in the designated area, set the parking brake.
  • -Remove valuables from view, carry them with you or lock in the trunk.  
  • -Turn the engine off and remove your vehicle key.
  • -Check for any moving vehicles or pedestrian around before opening the door.
  • -Secure your windows and doors, lock the car and take your keys with you.
  • -If you are parking at night, choose a well-lit area and do not park under trees during rains.
  • -When parking on a hill, remember to put the brakes and gear on.

Learn more

  1. Learn more about the vehicle brainly.com/question/12735261
  2. Learn more about securing  the vehicle brainly.com/question/2106646
  3. Learn more about Drivers brainly.com/question/539791

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  Advanced placement (AP)

Chapter: Driving

Keywords:  securing  the vehicle, vehicle, securing, Drivers, driving

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