The terrorist attacks of September 11,2001 led the federal government to create the


Answer 1


The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 led the federal government to create the Department of Homeland Security.


The United States Department of Homeland Security is a cabinet department of the United States Government with the responsibility of protecting the American territory from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters. The department was created from 24 federal agencies already in existence in response to the attacks of September 11, 2001.

While the Department of Defense is responsible for military actions, the Department of Homeland Security works in the civilian sphere to protect the United States inside and outside its borders. Its objective is to prepare, prevent and respond to national emergencies, especially terrorism.

Answer 2
Answer: The Department of Homeland Security as formed in November, 2002, as a direct response to the attacks on our country.

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What is a "pipel"? (Holocaust def.)


A "pipel" (assistant) was an young teen boy who was the favorite of a "kapo" (prisoner-boss) in a Nazi concentration camp. 

This implied sexual favors being provided by the youngster by the "kapo" or captain in charge of other prisoners.  The etymology of the term "kapo" is unclear, but it may have derived from the Italian word for "boss" or the French word for "corporal."  At any rate, these "kapos" were Jewish prisoners themselves, who were put in positions of supervision by the Nazis in charge of the camps where Jews were held.  "Pipels" served as their assistants and were used/abused in other ways.  There also were "sonderkommandos" or "special units" of Jewish prisoners who were made to be workers in assisting with tasks such as disposal of bodies of gas chamber victims. 
The entirety of the Holocaust was an awful affair, and placing some of the detainees in positions of authority over others only added to the strain and ugliness of what went on in the camps.  Elie Wiesel's told of camp experiences in the book, Night (1956 in Yiddish, 1960 English translation).  He described how kapos and the pipels they favored typically were cruel and brutal in their attitudes and actions toward other prisoners in the camps.

In the context of the Holocaust, the term "pipel" refers to a young male prisoner who served as an assistant or messenger within the concentration camps.

During theHolocaust, particularly in Nazi concentration camps, prisoners were often assigned different roles and tasks based on their age, physical abilities, and other factors. A pipel, also known as a pipeljuden in German, was a young male prisoner, typically a teenager, who was selected by camp officials to perform various duties.

Pipels were sometimes chosen by camp authorities for their perceived loyalty or for being obedient.

Learn more about Holocaust here:


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b. False


A. True

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