Some people believe fire is alive. It moves it seems to know where to go, it reacts to its environment. Use the 5 characteristics of living things described in lesson 1 and explain what characteristics fire and you have in common and what characteristics it lacks to separate it from you as a living thing.


Answer 1
Answer: well like living things, the fire can grow and develop but in a slightly different manner. Additionally the fire like most living this can move but the fire must have a medium by which it moves (spreading from object to object) as well as, the fire performs gas exchange to some extent as oxygen is needed for burning while carbon dioxide is given off from the fire burning (carbon as a product of combustion).  It can also be argued that like all living things, a fire must die.  However unlike living things, a fire is not made up of cells  

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The most important factor was the accumulation of greenhouse gases, especially methane and  carbon dioxide.


The Eocene climate began with warming climate at 56 million years ago (Mya) and finalized at around 49 Mya ago. It is believed that during this period the greenhouse gases increased the temperature on the Earth's surface. This hypothesis is supported by evidence that indicates the melting of the ice cap in the poles.

Final answer:

During the Eocene epoch, high levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide caused a strong greenhouse effect and warmed the Earth's climate. Increased volcanic activity is one possible source of these gases. The continents' position also contributed to the warmer temperature by modifying ocean currents.


The Eocene epoch was characterized by significantly warmer global temperatures than today. This climate change occurred due to elevated levels of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. One of the primary gases was carbon dioxide (CO2),  possibly released by widespread volcanic activity. High levels of these gases trapped heat from the sun's rays within the atmosphere, a phenomena known as the greenhouse effect. Another contributing factor was the configuration of the continents, which amplified ocean currents' warming effect.

Learn more about Eocene climate here:


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