in the mid-1800s, companies began to mass produce eariler inventions what effect did this have on families?


Answer 1
Answer: This event was the Industrial Revolution and families began to move from farms ro cities in a process called urbanization. The Industrial Revolution also made lives easier because new inventions were popping up such as the cotton gin and the mechanical reaper.

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April 18, 1955 at age 76

albert einstein died on april 18, 1955. he died of abdominal aortic aneurysm.

What was one effect of slavery in many major northern cities


Even though the Northern states were against the slave trade, it helped to finance the Industrial Revolution that happened in the major Northern States such as Boston and New York. Many US businesses got their start with profits from slave-produced goods and the slave trade. 

One reason is that because the slaves worked in the fields that there was natural resources to process on the northern factories

HELP WITH HOMEWORK!! State which alliance promoted goals and protection of the United States and which alliance promoted goals and protection of the Soviet Union. Site and explain evidence from each primary source to support your answers.


The alliance that promotes goals and protection of the United States is the NATO. The purpose of the military alliance is to 'safeguard the freedom...founded on the principles of democracy'. The spread of democracy in the world is one of the main goals and aims of the United States in the world. 'To settle...any international dispute by peaceful means' and to 'seek and promote stability in the North Atlantic area' are means of U.S. protection of other nations in the world. NATO constitutes a system of collective defense in response to an attack by an external party.

The alliance that promoted the goals and protection of the Soviet Union was the former Warsaw Pact. The goals of the Warsaw Pact were to' consult with one another... a threat of an armed attack on one or more of the Parties to the Treaty'. In an event of an attack, each member of the treaty should 'should come to the assistance of the state or states attacked'. The reason for the Soviet Union to sign the Pact was to fight together with other satellite nations the spread of capitalism. The Soviet Union also wanted to maintain control over military forces in Eastern and Central Europe.

A ____ is an election that is part of the process for choosing presidential candidates?



A primary is an election that is part of the process for choosing presidential candidates.


Primary elections are held to let the members of a particular party select which candidate will be presented in the representation of the party in the regular elections.

There are two types of primaries, open primaries in which the elections are open to all the voters. Or closed primaries in which the elections are held only between the members of the party.

I hope this answer helps you.

i think its presidential primary it would help if i could see the opitions

Why did Europeans travel cross the Mediterranean Sea to search the Silk Road A. To obtain clothes, spices, and other goods
B. To discover ancient religious sites
C. To escape natural disasters at home
B. To search for new opportunities


The answer is A) to obtain clothes,spices, and other goods.
The Europeans traveled across the Mediterranean Sea to search the Silk Road to A) obtain clothes, spices, and other goods. They were not necessarily interested in ancient religious sites, they were not escaping natural disasters at home, and to a degree they were searching for new opportunities, but the better answer is A. 

The Constitution of the United States was considered am improvement over the articles of confederation because the constitution changed the


Federal power

The Constitution gave the federal government more power to defend the states and pay debts through taxation. It also provided a central power for other countries to negotiate with and create trade agreements.