Could someone please explain to me how to use vosotros and vosotras?


Answer 1
Answer: that words are in spanish, you can use it like:

a vosotras les gusta el chocolate?


vosotros son muy graciosos

they are used to say you in plural, like:

you are so weird,

in form of group
Answer 2
Answer: The words "vosotros" and "vosotras" mean "you" in english. The only difference between them is that "vosotras" is used specifically for women and "vosotros" for men. Now, if you are in front of a group with either men or women, you have to use "vosotros" because in this case you have (as I said before) men and women together.

To demonstrate what I said, here are some examples:

Vosotras tienen que hacer la tarea.
( You have to do the homework) -> Because I used "vosotras," the sentence is talking about women.

Vosotros hicieron un buen trabajo en equipo.
(You did a good team work) -> here the sentence is talking either about only men or men and women. That depends on the situation.

I hope this help ;)

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Can someone please give me a simple explanation on how to conjugate verbs in Spanish


Verbo eres (to be)

Yo - soy
Tu - eres
El/ella - es
Ellos/ellas - son
Nosotros - somos
Ustedes - son
Vosotros - sois


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¿Cómo está usted?​


¿Como está usted? would be the answer
G. Cómo está usted.............

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