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Answer: 4.20x10 23

Explanation:is correct

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Put the following in order from smallest to largest: cells, tissues, organ systems, organs


1. Cells

2. Tissues

3. Organs

4. Organ Systems

Hope I helped!

~Stay golden~ :)



1. Cells

2. Tissues

3. Organs

4. Organ Systems

The ovule after fertilisation grows to become a...


A new plant

hope this helps :P

Humans have altered the carbon cycle byA) digging up the stored nutrient resources and combusting them during industrial processes.

B) damming rivers and lakes.

C) increasing the rate at which land based nitrogen is released into the environment.

D) all of the above


Answer:D) all of the above

Explanation:these are all correct because they all affect our environment

: D) all of the above

: A), B), and C) all affect our environment.

Hope this helps!

The steps you follow in your experiment


Answer and explanation;

The steps followed in an experiment include;

-Observation; this involves
taking note of something such as a curious phenomenon worth further thought and investigation

-Research; it involves forming a question so as to find out more about the natural phenomenon observed.

-Hypothesis, this is an informed guess as to the possible answer of the question.Its purpose is not to arrive at the perfect answer to the question but to provide a direction to further scientific investigation.

-Experiment, the hypothesis formed must be tested by conducting a well designed and controlled experiment. Its is an important step as it proves whether the hypothesis is correct or wrong.

-Analysis; it entails taking down the results and analyzing it together with the data and suing it to draw conclusion regarding the strength of the hypothesis.

-Conclusion; From the analysis a conclusion about the hypothesis can be drawn, explaining why the phenomenon occurs.

-Publish; the results may then be published as a reference and for future use and comparison.

The steps followed in an experiment are as follows: Observation, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion, and Publication.

1. Observation: This involves noticing and identifying a curious phenomenon or event that requires further investigation.

2. Research: Conduct background research to gather existing knowledge and information related to the observed phenomenon. Formulate a question or hypothesis based on this research.

3. Hypothesis: Develop an informed guess or prediction about the possible answer to the research question. The hypothesis provides a direction for the experiment and serves as a tentative explanation for the observed phenomenon.

4. Experiment: Design and conduct a well-controlled experiment to test the hypothesis. Plan the procedures, identify variables, establish control groups, and collect data through systematic observations and measurements.

5. Analysis: Analyze the collected data using statistical or analytical methods. Look for patterns, trends, and relationships in the data to determine whether the hypothesis is supported or refuted.

6. Conclusion: Based on the analysis of the data, draw conclusions about the hypothesis. Explain the findings and discuss their implications in relation to the original research question. Assess the strength of the hypothesis and its alignment with the observed data.

7. Publication: Share the results of the experiment by publishing them in a scientific journal or presenting them at conferences. This allows other researchers to review, replicate, and build upon the findings, contributing to the scientific knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon.

Know more about experiment:


What is a organelle


An organelle is a functional subunit enclosed by a membrane within a eukaryotic cell. The name "organelle" means little organ and the name comes from the analogy with organs: what an organ is to a body, an organelle is to a cell. So, the organelle is the organ of the cell. There are different types of organelles in cells, such as nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, vacuoles, and they all have a different function. For example, the nucleus is the organelle which main function is control of cell activities. Mitochondria are organelles which main function is energy production.

Mineral matter and organic matter together make up about 50 percent of soil. What two substances make up the other 50 percent?



water and air is the other 50%


The particles that make up soil are categorized into three groups by size: sand, silt, and clay. Sand particles are the largest and clay particles the smallest. Although a soil could be all sand, all clay, or all silt, that's rare. Instead most soils are a combination of the three.

The relative percentages of sand, silt, and clay are what give soil its texture. A loamy texture soil, for example, has nearly equal parts of sand, silt, and clay.


Soil structure is the arrangement of soil particles into small clumps, called "peds". Much like the ingredients in cake batter bind together to form a cake, soil particles (sand, silt, clay, and organic matter) bind together to form peds. Peds have various shapes depending on their “ingredients” and the conditions under which the peds formed: getting wet and drying out, freezing and thawing--even people walking on or farming the soil affects the shapes of peds.

Ped shapes roughly resemble balls, blocks, columns, and plates. Between the peds are spaces, or pores, in which air, water, and organisms move. The sizes of the pores and their shapes vary from soil structure to soil structure.