Density is an example of what type of property? Intensive





Answer 1
Answer: It's a Chemical property .
Answer 2
Answer: The answer is wrong it's not chemical that is a physical property the correct answer is intensive 

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1, This element has a complete outermost energy level and is found in the 5th period. 2. This element has 2 electrons it its outermost energy level and belongs to the 2nd period.
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1) Xenon
2) Berylium
3) Aluminium (Assuming 3p = 3rd Period)
4) Tungsten
5) Bromine
6) Xenon again
7) Indium I think
8) Strontium
9) Titanium
10) Oxygen
11) I don't understand that at all XD
12) Rutherfordium
13) Radon
14) Potassium?
15) Argon

So somebody needs to confirm 3, 7, 11, and 14, but I think the rest are correct if you load up a Periodic table

Determine which of these elements would be liquid at 525 K (assume samples are protected from air): A. platinum, Pt B. selenium, Se C. bismuth, Bi D. copper, Cu E. calcium, Ca



selenium, Se


Selenium is the only element that has a melting point below 525 K. Therefore, it would be the only element that would be liquid at that temperature.

Final answer:

At 525 K, only bismuth would be in the liquid phase as its melting point is 544.7 K and boiling point is 1837 K, while all other elements would be in the solid state.


The question asks about the phase of different elements at a specific temperature of 525 K. To answer the question, we need to know the melting and boiling points of these elements: platinum (Pt), selenium (Se), bismuth (Bi), copper (Cu), and calcium (Ca).

At 525 K, bismuth (Bi) would be in the liquid state as its melting point is 544.7 K and boiling point is 1837 K. All other elements mentioned have melting points and boiling points higher than 525 K, so they would be in the solid state.

Learn more about Phase of Elements at Temperature here:


Which term defines the amount that a solute can dissolve into a solution? A. solute level
B. solution level
C. solubility level
D. saturation level


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "C. solubility level." The term defines the amount that a solute can dissolve into a solution is called the solubility level. The higher the solubility level, the faster it dissolves.

Table salt, NaCl, is an example of an amorphous solid.





Before answering the question, it is important to understand;

An amorphous solid is any noncrystalline solid in which the atoms and molecules are not organized in a definite lattice pattern. Such solids include glass, plastic, and gel. Emphasis on the word noncrystalline.

Table salt on the other hand is an ionic solid made up of Ions of opposite charges (Sodium ion and Chlorine ion) strongly attract each other; those of like charges repel. As a result ions in an ionic compound are arranged in a particular manner.

The ions in NaCl are ordered hence are referred to as crystalline solids  and not amorphous.

False, it is an example of an Ionic solid

The digestion process starts in the _____. A.esophagus
C.small intestine


The digestion process starts in the mouth first, with the mechanical digestion happening with your teeth. And then the saliva breaks down your food with its enzymes. 

Assuming constant pressure and temperature, how many moles of gas have been added to the initial 3 moles of gas when the volume increases from 2.0 to 4.0 liters?1.5 moles

2 moles

3 moles

6 moles



Moles of gas added = 3 moles



Initial volume of gas, V1 = 2.0 L

Initial moles of gas, n1 = 3 moles

Final volume, V2 = 4.0 L

To determine:

The moles of gas added to bring the final volume to 4.0 L


Based on the ideal gas equation

PV = nRT

where P = pressure, V = volume ; n = moles of gas

R = gas constant, T = temperature

At constant P and T, the above equation becomes:

V/n = constant

This is the Avogadro's law


(V1)/(n1) = (V2)/(n2) \n\nn2 = (V2)/(V1) * n1 = (4.0 L)/(2.0L) * 3 = 6 moles

The final number of moles of gas = 6

Thus, moles added = Final - Initial = n2 - n1 = 6-3 = 3 moles

We first assume that the gas is ideal which is a safe assumption to approximate the answer to the problem. Then we need to know the ideal gas equation and that is:
P- pressure
V- volume
n-number of moles-
R- ideal gas constant 

Since we know that P, T and V are constant, rearranging the equation would lead to:

P/TR = n/V or the ratio of the moles of gas and volume is constant. 

(3moles)/2L = (3+x)/4L 
x is the additional moles. 

Solving for x = 3 moles.