Which of the following was a result of the war of iraq?a)japan refused to help pay for the cost of the operation
b) saddam hussein and his regime survived the war
c)george h w bush's public approval rating plummeted
d)americans could not enforces the un resolution


Answer 1

Answer:  B) Saddam Hussein and his regime survived the war.

Your choices included reference to President George H.W. Bush -- whose funeral happened on the morning of the day I'm writing this answer.  If the war you are examining was in the time of George H.W. Bush, that means the war against Iraq that you're referencing is the Gulf War of 1991.  The United States led a UN coalition of forces to push the forces of Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait after he had invaded that neighboring country.  But the US and UN mission limited itself to pushing Hussein's forces back into Iraq, not seeking to remove him from power in Iraq itself at that time.

In 2003, the US again pursued war in Iraq - this time under President George W. Bush (son of George H.W. Bush).  The 2003 effort was intended to remove Hussein from power, and did so.

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It was the guilds.

Hope this helps! :)

Which statement characterizes Japan’s economy during the Meiji Restoration?


They concentrated on industrial development.  To achieve this, the Japanese built many industries such as shipyards, iron works and smelters to develop their infrastructure.  This is to catch with contemporary societies in the West.  Modernization not only enabled Japan to have equal status with Western powers but also allowed her to keep her independence.

Japan’s economy expanded trade with Western nations and industrialized rapidly.

This period in known as the Meiji Restoration began in 1868.  Shogun rule was ended and the emperor was restored to full power over the country.  The new emperor took the name "Meiji" meaning "enlightened rule."  It was under the reign of Emperor Meiji, which lasted till 1912, that Japan did much modernizing and westernizing.

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B) Salt was used for fertilizer
C) Salt was important in the diet to retain water
D) Salt was used in religious ceremonies


Because, salt was needed to flavor food, preserve meat, used for medical purposes, and to keep the body healthy. But in West Africa, salt was rare. So, West Africans traded their gold for salt. Salt was so valuable, it was worth its weight in gold. 1 pound of salt = 1 pound of gold. How amazing.

Hope it helped

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B) tribal wars
C) military conquest
D) natural disaster


Small pox accounted for the majority of deaths in Spanish America in the 16th century. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "A". During those days, there were no vaccines against small pox and it spread very quickly. I hope the answer helps you.

Correct answer choice is :

A) Small pox


Smallpox was a dangerous infection caused by one of two disease exceptions, Variola major, and Variola minor. The current normally occurring incident was diagnosed in October 1977 including the World Health Organization confirmed the global destruction of the virus in 1980. The risk of loss following incurring the disease was about 30%, with bigger flows among newborns. Often those who remain have great scarring of their skin and some are left blind.

Which of the following religions are not major factors in South and Southeast Asia? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY a. Buddhism
b. Christianity
c. Shintoism
d. Islam


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "c. Shintoism " Among the the following religions are Shintoism is not a major factor in South and Southeast Asia. There are only a few number of people who practice Shintoism.

The answer is C. Shintoism, the traditional religion of Japan that does not seem to have many followers in South and Southeast Asia. The religions who appear on the Religious Demographics in South and Southeast Asia as major factors are Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam.

Which Athenian leader established rule by assembly and courts with juries? A. Solon B. Croesus C. Pericles D. Plato


The correct answer is A. The Athenian leader that established rule by assembly and courts with juries was Solon.

The ecclesia was the main assembly of democracy in classical Greece. It was established by Solon in 594 BC. and had a popular character, open to all citizens with 2 years of military service.

Pericles established rule by assembly and courts with juries