Which sentence is in the passive voice? A.
A wreath of ivy hung on the front door.

A harsh winter will require a number of preparations.

Sports equipment was featured in the center aisle.

Dragonflies with pale wings darted in the twilight.


Answer 1
Answer: its C sports equipment was featured in the center aisle                             

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“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”These lines establish the __________________ for the Declaration of Independence.






Answer: C) Purpose.

Explanation: In the given lines from the Declaration of Independence, we can see the establishment of the purpose of this document. It says that the purpose of that document is to declare the causes which impel American people to the separation from Britain and to claim their political independence, we can see this in the line "...a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”




Read this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich:Her attitude towards him and his diseases is still the same. Just as the doctor had adopted a certain relation to his patient which he could not abandon, so had she formed one towards him—that he was not doing something he ought to do and was himself to blame, and that she reproached him lovingly for this—and she could not now change that attitude.

"You see he doesn't listen to me and doesn't take his medicine at the proper time. And above all he lies in a position that is no doubt bad for him—with his legs up."

She described how he made Gerasim hold his legs up.

The doctor smiled with a contemptuous affability that said: "What's to be done? These sick people do have foolish fancies of that kind, but we must forgive them. . . ."

They all rose, said good-night, and went away.

When they had gone it seemed to Ivan Ilyich that he felt better; the falsity had gone with them. But the pain remained—that same pain and that same fear that made everything monotonously alike, nothing harder and nothing easier. Everything was worse.

Again minute followed minute and hour followed hour. Everything remained the same and there was no cessation. And the inevitable end of it all became more and more terrible.

Based on the excerpt, how is Praskovya Fedorovna a character foil to Ivan Ilyich?

She is kind and takes care of Ivan, which is why he feels guilty about how he treated her for most of their married life.

She is vindictive toward Ivan while pretending to be worried about him, thus reminding him of how his family has never forgiven him.

She plays the part of the worried wife without any real feeling, symbolizing the false propriety Ivan upheld but now hates.

She is young, healthy, and beautiful—everything Ivan can never be again and wishes he could return to.


The correct answer is 'She is vindictive toward Ivan while pretending to be worried about him, thus reminding him of how his family has never forgiven him.’ For example, “…he doesn't listen to me and doesn't take his medicine at the proper time" shows how she pretends to care that he’s not correctly medicating but is really a pronouncement of his failures.


She plays the part of the worried wife without any real feeling, symbolizing the false propriety Ivan upheld but now hates.

Which statement best describes the motivation of the character Pahom in Leo Tolstoy’s story “How Much Land Does a Man Need?”


the statement that best describes the motivation of the character pahom in leo tolstoy's story "how much land does a man need" is : Pahom wanted more land for himself so he can feel more secure. 
He feels that land will bring him security , and think that if he had more land, he would even beat the devil.

hope this helps

pahom wanted more land for himself so he could feel secure B is the answer

Which war is tim o'brien's short story " ambush " based on ?


"Ambush" is one of the stories included in the anthology The Things They Carried by American author Tim O'Brien.

In this story, the character Tim O'Brien remembers his experiences during the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was a conflict that lasted from November 1955 to April 1975, although American involvement ended in 1973. The war is an example of the series of proxy-wars that occurred during the Cold War.

The Things They Carried is a collection of short stories by Tim O'Brien, about a platoon of American soldiers in the Vietnam War.

Marco is a fourth-generation Mexican American. Both his grandparents and parents were born in the United States. Neither he nor his parents have learned Spanish and he does not often think of his heritage. Most of his friends do not think of him as Hispanic or Latino. However, on Cinco de Mayo, Marco likes to go out and celebrate by eating Mexican food and wearing a sombrero. Marco’s relationship with his ethnicity can be described as what?


Marco's relationship with his ethnicity can be described as symbolic ethnicity, taking the description into consideration.

What is symbolic ethnicity?

Symbolic ethnicity is a term used in sociology to describe a person's pride and connection to his or her ethnicity. This connection is, however, more nostalgic and less pervasive, which means constant behaviors concerning ethnicity are not observed.

That is the case with Marco. He does display a type of nostalgic connection and pride concerning his ethnicity, but he does so when there is an important celebration that appeals to people as a whole.

Learn more about symbolic ethnicity here:


Answer: symbolic ethnicity.


Marco is experiencing what it is known in sociology as symbolic ethnicity. It is a nostalgic connection to, love for, and pride in a cultural tradition, even when the person does not incorporate any other aspects of the ethnicity in his/her everyday behavior and life.

Who is the target audience for this public serviceadvertisement?
O children
government officials
car manufacturers


The advertisement could potentially target any group of people depending on its message and purpose.

What are public service advertisement?

Public service advertising, also known as public service announcement (PSA), is a type of advertising that is used to communicateinformation or messages of public interest, welfare or benefit to the general public. Unlike commercial advertising, which promotes a product or service for profit, public service advertising aims to educate and inform the public about important issues, such as health, safety, and social welfare.

It is usually sponsored by non-profit organizations, government agencies, or public interest groups, and is broadcast or published in various media such as television, radio, print, and online. The primary goal of public service advertising is to raise awareness, change attitudes or behavior, and promote the common good, rather than to sell products or services.

Learn more about public service advertisement, here:




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