Which of the following is NOT an effective way to control hypertension?a. Increase caloric intake
b. Reduce sodium intake
c. Weight loss
d. Regular exercise


Answer 1
Answer: The best answer is a) increase caloric intake.

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___________ like heroin, and cough syrups with codeine, can make a driver drowsy and unable to concentrate.a. Narcotics,
b. Stimulants,
c. Depressants,


Narcotics like heroin, and cough syrups with codeine, can make a driver drowsy and unable to concentrate. Correct answer: A

Narcotics are type of drug that are prescribed to treat severe pain. They are also called opioids. Narcotic analgesics  are prescribed to treat hundreds of pain conditions. However, there are side effects like: drowsiness, n ausea and vomiting, constipation...  Opioids can be dangerous if you take them with alcohol or with other types of drugs.

Narcotics like heroin and cough syrups with codeine , can make a driver drowsy and unable to concentrate

Have a great night

What does weight training use? A.) Aerobic improvements from muscle strength
B.) Flexibility of muscle control
C.) Resistance against muscle contractions
D.) Extra muscle tissue fibers
sorry for the mix up


Weight training uses resistance against the muscle contraction.

Further Explanation:

Weight training is a kind of training that makes use of weight for the resistance. The free weight creates stress to the muscle which makes the muscle stronger and also activates it.

Effective weight training relies upon the proper technique used. The incorrect weight training technique may lead to fracture, strains and painful injuries that also hinder weight training effort.During the initial training period one should start with a lighter weight as it enables them to work upon the form and technique first instead of immediate work out using the brute strength.

Selection of weight lifting method: It depends on several factors like:

1. Specific goals

2. Experience level

3. Conditioning level

4. Motivation level

5. Time constraints

Some of the points that should be taken care:

1. While lifting the weight one should keep their back straight.

2. Proper lifting technique should be used while moving the weights around the room.

3. Shoes having good traction should be used.

4. One should not keep lifting the weights even if they suffer from a strong pain.

5. One should not lift heavier weight if they cannot handle them.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about exercise brainly.com/question/1209683

2. Learn more about how to perform exercise brainly.com/question/919984

3. Learn more about physical fitness brainly.com/question/1617174

Answer Details:

Grade: College Biology

Subject: Health

Chapter: Physical fitness


Weight training, muscle, fracture, strains, injuries, strength, pain, weight, health, physical fitness.

weight training use for Resistance against muscle contractions.

Further Explanation:

Weight training:

Weight training is an action that includes lifting, pushing, or pulling fluctuating obstruction while utilizing machines and free loads. At the point when an individual is occupied with this sort of action, the limit of the muscle compressions to oppose the weight is being tried. Over some stretch of time, when these muscle withdrawals create, muscle development is obviously found in the body and upgrades in quality and perseverance are noticeable.It is a decent exercise routine as one individual ages as it contributes well in conditioning the muscles and keeping the body solid and fit.  

great load to begin lifting:  

On the off chance that you can without much of a stretch accomplish in excess of 22 reps, pick a set five pounds heavier. This decides your lighter arrangement of loads. Include 10 pounds, and that is the amount you ought to lift when going after a heavier arrangement of loads.  

Kinds of weight preparing:  

Five kinds of solidarity preparing alongside who every technique is most appropriate for:  

All out Body Circuit Training, Push-Pull Training, Power Lifting Training, Explosive Dynamic Training, Muscular Isolation Training.  

weight training focused:  

Quality preparing projects are commonly sheltered. ... However, there's a major distinction between quality preparing, powerlifting, and lifting weights. Powerlifting focuses on how much weight an individual can lift at one time. The objective of competitive body building is to assemble muscle size and definition.

Subject: Health

Level: High School

Keywords: Weight training, great load to begin lifting, Kinds of weight preparing, weight training focused.  

Related links:

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Which is the best definition of miscarriage? A. deliberate end of pregnancy before 20 weeks B. spontaneous end of pregnancy after 20 weeks C. spontaneous end of pregnancy before 20 weeks


The best definition of miscarriage would be : C. spontaneous end of pregnancy before 20 weeksAccording to research, A fetus will start to shown a sign of life after 20 weeks. During this period., The organs have started to develop.And in most cases, the Organs are already fully functioning and ithey already have their own functioning digestive system

Final answer:

The correct option is c.

A miscarriage is the spontaneous end of pregnancy before 20 weeks due to the fetus's inability to develop properly. It is distinctly different from abortion, which is the deliberate end of a pregnancy. The process encompasses various stages that eventually result in the passing of the placenta.


In defining miscarriage within the context of pregnancy, it can be described as a spontaneous end of pregnancy before 20 weeks. This typically happens when the fetus cannot properly develop for various reasons, leading to the natural termination of the gestation. It should not be confused with an abortion, which is a deliberate termination of the pregnancy.

The process follows specific stages; during the first stage, the cervix thins, then is dilated during the second stage, and finally the baby is expelled from the uterus. The final stage involves the passing of the placenta after the birth of the baby. If the placenta does not spontaneously birth within about 30 minutes, it is considered retained and medical intervention may be required.

Learn more about Miscarriage here:



The complete question is given below:

Which is the best definition of miscarriage? A. deliberate end of pregnancy before 20 weeks B. spontaneous end of pregnancy after 20 weeks C. spontaneous end of pregnancy before 20 weeks

The type of resistance training that requires the greatest number of repetitions is _____. muscle strength and size training weight maintenance training muscle endurance training exercise specificity training


The type of resistance training that requires the greatest number of repetitions is muscle endurance training. Muscular endurance refers to the number of repetitions of a single exercise you can do without needing to stop and rest. This type of resistance training builds up capillaries in the muscle, increases blood flow to the muscles (muscles nutrition) and helps bring waste out of the muscle (recovery).

The type of resistance training that requires the greatest number of repetitions is muscle strength and size training.

Food and medical procedures can expose people to radiation. Therefore, the effects of radiation from a nuclear power plant are not a reason for concern. True


The answer is false.  The amount of radiation a person is exposed to by food or medical test is with a set limit.  The effect of a malfunctioning nuclear power plant would give off many times the amount the body could handle.

Without _________, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins could not be changed into energy.


The answer is Vitamins  <3 hope this helped