Which of the following is an example of a historical claim?


Answer 1
Answer: Historical claim tend to be supported by solid evidence for the analyzation. Since you provide no options, an example of a historical claim would be something like :
- The fall of Roman Empire was not because of external forces, but for the most part, it's because of the internalities between their own government"

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3. What information were the scientists able to learn from the skeleton itself?


well they know that what our bones look like so if it were an animal skeleton they would know how the animals bones are suppose to look so they can fix the broken bone same way with humens. i hope im right <3

Final answer:

Scientists can learn various details about an individual from their skeleton, including age, sex, height, and overall health. Additionally, studying the bones can provide insights into human evolution and how our ancestors moved and interacted with their environment.


From the skeleton itself, scientists can learn a wealth of information about the individual it belonged to. This includes details about the individual's age, sex, height, and overall health. Additionally, scientists can study the bones to understand the evolutionary adaptations and changes that have occurred over time.

For example, by examining the shape and size of the skull, scientists can make hypotheses about human evolution and important milestones in our history. The analysis of postcranial material can also provide insights into how our ancestors moved and interacted with their environment.

Learn more about Information learned from skeletons here:



_____________ was the first African American to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. He won this for his peacemaking efforts in Palestine.


The correct answer is: Ramph Bunche.

He was a political scientist and a diplomat, involved in the establishment and the work of United Nations. He was also UN's chief diplomat between the Jewish and the Palestinian sides of the Israeli-Arab conflict in late 1940s and he was a key to 1949 armistice agreement. 

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Yes because media can manipulate what is shown to the public




Studies on mass communication confirm that the media have significant effects on society, although there is hardly a consensus on the nature and extent of such effects. The problem of the degree of influence of the media on individuals and society has had different responses. Most authors confirm that the development of the media achieved the installation of a public agenda in society, that is to say, it is they who have the power to inform or not to society. It is also clear that the information is usually found concentrated in few media and therefore it is these that directly influence the public opinion.

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Sadly it led to unwise commitments to countries located in these regions.  The United States was so determined to contain or wipe threat of communism that it went so far as to support corrupt and dictatorial regimes that only encouraged the spread of communism rather than contain it.

What is the name of the depression in Africa that runs north and south for 4,000 miles? a. Sahel
b. Great Rift Valley
c. Mozambique Channel
d. Ethiopian Highlands


The name of the depression in Africa that runs north to south for 4000 miles is called the Great Rift Valley. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is option "b". This is a naturally created valley. It is actually a part of an inter continental ridge that runs from north to south through the country of Kenya.


the correct answer is b


hope this help if not let me know

Citizens in Berlin began to tear down the Berlin Wall soon after


Citizens in Berlin began to tear down the Berlin Wall soon after because it was a symbol of the Cold War and the division between East and West Germany.

Who built the Berlin Wall and why?

The Berlin Wall was constructed by the German Democratic Republic during the Cold War to stop its inhabitants from fleeing Soviet-controlled East Berlin to West Berlin, which was governed by the main Western Allies.

The Berlin Wall had been erected by the East German government in 1961 to prevent citizens from fleeing to the West, and it was heavily guarded and fortified with barbed wire, guard towers, and armed patrols.

In November 1989, after weeks of protests and demonstrations in East Germany, the government announced that citizens would be allowed to travel freely to the West. In response, crowds of citizens gathered at the Berlin Wall and began tearing it down, brick by brick.

The scenes of citizens from both sides of the Wall coming together and celebrating the end of the division between East and West Germany became iconic images of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.

Learn more about the Berlin Wall here:



East Germany opened its borders