Good evening, my fellow citizens. This Government,as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance
of the Soviet military build-up on the island of
Cuba. Within the past week unmistakable
evidence has established the fact that a series
of offensive missile sites is now in preparation
on that imprisoned island. The purposes of
these bases can be none other than to provide a
nuclear strike capability against the Western
— President John F. Kennedy, Report to
the American People, October 22, 1962

President John F. Kennedy reacted strongly to
the situation described in this speech primarily
(1) the United States feared an influx of Cuban
(2) these missiles could threaten United States
oil supplies in South America
(3) the location of Cuba would allow the United
States little time to respond to an attack
(4) the United States and the Warsaw Pact
nations had formed a military alliance


Answer 1
Answer: The location of Cuba would allow the US little time to respond.

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The _______ in the House can limit the amount of time to debate a bill.A. speaker
B. committee of the whole
C. rules committee
D. discharge petition


The Committee on Rules, also known more commonly as the Rules Committee, sets the time limit for debating a bill. However, typically, debate goes on for as long as necessary, although a time limit may be set under unanimous decision in time-sensitive cases.


The rules committee in the House can limit the amount of time to debate a bill.


Regarding the federal court system, which of the following statements is false? A. The Supreme Court hears most of the cases brought to it on appeal.
B. Federal court districts never cross state lines.
C. Each of the 12 regional circuits has a court of appeals.
D. The U.S. Tax Court is a special federal court.


A. The Supreme Court hears most of the cases brought to it on appeal. - this is false because the supreme court chooses cases based on whether they are important to the country. If it was true they would have taken the dozens of cases on whether gay marrigage should be allowed in the US, it has been brought to the supreme court virtually every year since the 90s but hasn't been really addressed untill recently

Which demonstrates the philosophy of absolutism under King Louis XIV?


The phrase "L'etat, c'est moi" demonstrates the philosophy of absolutism under the reign of King Louis XIV best. The phrase "L'etat, c'est moi" means that "The state, is me" in which shows that King Louis XIV has all the absolute authority over all political decisions in France. 

What does the term absolute unity mean in design? Elements are randomly arranged to create variety without emphasis.
Elements are subordinate to the total effect and do not overshadow it.
Elements have an effect of their own and are not subordinate to the total effect.


The correct option for above statement is:

Elements have an effect of their own and are not subordinate to the total effect.


Elements and principles are employed in style to form flow and understanding. Absolute unity comes from the thought that every part supports one another. once parts are supporting one another and dealing toward one conception, a style has unity and harmony.

in design, the term absolute unity mean : elements have effect of their own and are not subordinate to the total effectEven though every elements in design have their own effect, when this elements are united with one another, it will create a whole new grand effect to the design and dramaticaally increase its value

Which region was under the influence of both Russia and England?a. Persia
b. France
c. China
d. the Caucasus


It could be argued that "Persia" was under the influence of both Russia and England, but this depends heavily on the extent of that influence and the time in question.

Why did the united states fight wars in korea and vietnam?a. vital interests for the united states were at stake.

b. vietnam and korea had invaded our allied countries.

c. policy makers believed that if we did not fight, it would embolden the communists.

d. we had nato obligations.

e. they both involved humanitarian efforts?



c. policy makers believed that if we did not fight, it would embolden the communists


The wars in Korea and Vietnam were both part of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both in Korea and Vietnam there were strong and ever growing movements that were communist and they had their affinity toward the Soviets. The United States did not wanted to allow that this two important strategic countries fall under control of the communists, so they decided to get involved and fought wars on both places. The end result was mixed, as Korea was divided on two parts, one of which remained communist, while in Vietnam, the American army was humiliated and lost, so the communists took over all of the country.