In which type of investment do you lend your money to a government agency or a corporation for a fixed period of time and earn interest?


Answer 1
Answer: The type of investment where you lend your money to a government agency or a corporation for a fixed period of time and earn interest is : BOND
During bond investment, you basically committed yourself for a liability agreement for a specific amount of money. In return, you will pay it back plus the agreed interest
Answer 2




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That statement would be false

It's true that forensic photography is widely used after the development of some key technologies, but it's already used for common investigation since the end of 19th century




#DidNotStudy People living in the United States' outlying areas can usually do everything except:A.
use the U.S. postal service

travel freely in the United States

vote fully in Congress and for the President

elect their governor


The correct option is C.
The people that are living outside of USA can not participate in the elections that vote in the congress men and the president. This is because, they are outsiders and they have no right to have any say in the matters that concern the USA government. 


it is cccccccccccccc


Which of these factors was not a reason for European colonists purchasing Africans for slave labor?A. The African slaves were farmers who knew how to cultivate crops and work the land.
B. The African slaves were cheaper for the Europeans because they were not indigenous to the Americas.
C. The African slaves were immune to many European diseases because of Africa's proximity to Europe.
D. The African slaves were not familiar with American terrain, so they could not escape the plantations.


The question is asking us the following: "Which of these factors was not a reason for European colonists purchasing Africans for slave labor? A. The African slaves were farmers who knew how to cultivate crops and work the land. - this is true. Many slaves did know how to cultivate the land and many were farmer before B. The African slaves were cheaper for the Europeans because they were not indigenous to the Americas.- The African slaves were cheaper, this is true, but they were not cheaper because they were not indigenous but because they were stolen in raids - this is the correct answer. C. The African slaves were immune to many European diseases because of Africa's proximity to Europe. - This is true. Unlike the Indigenous Americans, Africans were immute to the Illesses D. The African slaves were not familiar with American terrain, so they could not escape the plantations." - this is also true

Answer: The African slaves were used as overseers to force indigenous workers to complete there tasks


What two important military appointments were given to Eisenhower


i think Supreme commander of allied forces in the pacific.

 -- hope that i have help you .

Briefly explain the key features of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).


It is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949. The organization constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. In other Words Peacekeepers

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Of his many telescope findings he is probably most well known for his discovery of Jupiters moons. Lo, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto. Now known as the Galilean Moons. He even had a NASA mission named after him.