Question 16 with 1 blankMaribel y yo inglés. Question 17 with 1 blankTú japonés. Question 18 with 1 blankTú y tu hermanastra francés. Question 19 with 1 blankMi hijo chino. Question 20 with 1 blankYo alemán. Question 21 with 1 blankUsted inglés. Question 22 with 1 blankNosotros italiano.


Answer 1


Fill in the blanks with the present tense of the indicated verbs.


1. Maribel y yo aprendemos inglés.

2. Tú aprendes japonés.

3. Tú y tu hermanastra aprenden francés.

4. Mi hijo aprende chino.

5. Yo aprendo alemán.

6. Usted aprende inglés.

7. Nosotros aprendemos italiano.


In this activity we have to complete the sentences with the correct conjugation of the verb aprender (to learn) depending on the pronoun. The verbs are to be conjugated in Present Indicative form.

1. Aprendemos is the conjugated form of the verb aprender in present indicative 1st person plural Nosotros (we)

2. Aprendes is the conjugated form of the verb aprender in present indicative 2nd person singular (you)

3. Aprenden is the conjugated form of the verb aprender in present indicative 3rd person plural Ellas (they)

4. Aprende is the conjugated form of the verb aprender in present indicative 3rd person singular Él (he)

5. Aprendo is the conjugated form of the verb aprender in present indicative 1st person singular Yo (I)

6. Aprendemos is the conjugated form of the verb aprender in present indicative 1st person plural Nosotros (we)

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May someone help me



The first question would be: Hoy es lunes veintiocho

Second would be: Hoy es lunes, 28 de Septiembre de 2020.

Third is asking what is the weather lie today? So for that, you would answer En mi opinion hace calor for, In my opinion it is hot and En mi opinion hace frío for, In my opinion, it is cold and then En mi opinion es agradable fuera for, In my opinion, it is nice outside.

For the conjugation square:

Ser in yo form is soy, and Tener in yo form is tengo.

Ser in tu form is eres, and tener in yo form is tienes

Ser in usted form is es, and tener in usted form is tiene

Ser in el/ella form is es, and tener in el/ella form is tiene

Ser in nosotros form is somos, and tener in nosotros form is tenemos

And Ser in ellos/ellas/uds is son, and tener in ellos/ellas/uds is tienen

yo means I

tu means your


El Gran Cañón ________ en el estado de Arizona. a. está c. están b. es d. son


Right answer:


Está is the conjugation of the verb está for the third person singular in the simple present. The verb estar is being used here as location, describing where The Grand Canyon is permanently. In fact, The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River located in Arizona, United States. Finally:

El Gran Cañón está en el estado de Arizona

1. El tren (salir) a las nueve y media de la noche. 2. Los estudiantes (querer) estudiar antes del examen. 3. Yo (tener) el pasaporte la semana que viene.



For the following exercise, we have to complete the sentences with the future tense of the verbs in parentheses


The future tense is used to describe plans or actions in the future, such as predictions or possibilities and probabilities. In Spanish there are two main ways to express future, the first one is the infromal future: IR + infinitive and the simple future which is said with only one word that is the main verb conjugated into the future form.

To conjugate verbs into future, we have to add the correct ending to the end of the verb in infinitive like this:

yo -é

tú -ás

usted, él, ella -á

nosotros -emos

ustedes, ellos, ellas -án

1. El tren saldrá (salir) a las nueve y media de la noche.

2. Los estudiantes querrán (querer) estudiar antes del examen.

3. Yo tendré (tener) el pasaporte la semana que viene.

4. Mi familia y yo visitaremos (visitar) a mis tíos en Oregón.

5. Tú sabrás (saber) la respuesta mañana.

1. The train will leave at half past nine at night.

2. Students will want to study before the exam.

3. I will have my passport next week.

4. My family and I will visit my uncles in Oregon.

5. You will know the answer tomorrow.

What is the yo form of the verb dar in the present tense?


The answer is Doy

If you need any more help, let me know :)
B doy would be the answer I love Spanish!

Montañas altas de Sudamérica?


High mountains of South America

Aconcagua is el mas alto