What is the difference between a government and state?​


Answer 1


The main difference between state and government is that state is more or less permanent whereas government is temporary.


Government refers to the group of authorized people who governs a country or a state. State refers to the organized political community living under a single system of government.

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identify three constitutional amendments adopted since the bill of rights that have made American government more democratic and explain how each has done so.


Three constitutional amendments adopted since the bill of rights that have made American government more democratic were15th Amendment, 24th Amendment and 19th Amendment.

  • The 15th amendment allowed all men to vote without any racism and discrimination.
  • This amendment allowed African Americans and others to gain their identity and freedom.
  • The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote without any discrimination in gender.
  • The 24th Amendment allowed non-payment of the poll taxes in elections for federal officials.

Therefore we can conclude that the constitutional amendments like 15th, 19th and 24th played a significant role in America.

Learn more about amendments  here:


  • 15th Amendment: This amendment prohibits the denial of the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude. This amplified the democratic system allowing all African Americans and ex-slaves to vote, liberty that was denied to them.
  • 17th Amendment: This amendment was passed during the Progressive Era and established the direct election of US Senators by popular vote. Now the population can choose their Senators directly.
  • 19th Amendment: The 19th Amendment was a victory of the women’s rights movement, since it prohibited the denial of the right to vote based on gender.
  • 24th Amendment: The 24th Amendment prohibited the limitation of voting rights due to non-payment of poll tax or any other tax. Since the right to vote is a right linked to freedom and citizenship.
  • 26th Amendment: Prohibited the denial of right to vote to any US citizen based on age. Every citizen has the right to vote when they reach 18 years old.

Which statements accurately describe the English Civil War? Choose all answers that are correct. A. Few Englishmen outside of London were affected by the war. B. Oliver Cromwell led the Puritan forces against the king. C. King Charles I was tried and executed. D. The Royalists, or Cavaliers, were better equipped for battle and quickly defeated the Roundheads.


B. Oliver Cromwell led the Puritan forces against the king

The English Civil War led to the rise of the Commonwealth. So option “b” is the correct option as far as the given question is concerned. This Commonwealth period started in the year 1640 and continues till 1660. During this Civil War period the authority of King Charles I was challenged by the people and this ultimately led to the execution of King Charles I. The son of Charles I again started the rule of Monarchy in the year 1660. 
They believed blacks were entitled to the same  political rights and opportunities as whites. They also believed that confederate leaders should be punished for their roles in the civil war.The Republican Radicals felt that extraordinary times called for direct intervention in state affairs and laws designed to protect the emancipated blacks. At the heart of their belief was the notion that blacks must be given a chance to compete  in a free-labor economy. In 1866, the activist congress introduced a bill to extend the life of the Freedmen's Bureau and began work on a Civil Rights Bill.




i took the test

What began to happen to change the southern economic base


Economically, the Civil War was not a contest between equals. The South had no factories to produce guns or ammunition, and its railroads were small and not interconnected, meaning that it was hard for the South to move food, weapons and men quickly and over long distances. In addition, though agriculture thrived in the South, planters focused on cash crops like tobacco and cotton and did not produce enough food to feed the southern population. The North, on the other hand, had enough food and enough factories to make weapons for all of its soldiers. It also had an extensive rail network that could transport men and weapons rapidly and cheaply. At first, this superiority of the North didn't seem to make much of a difference; like many wars in history, those involved thought it would be over quickly. But northern advantages would prove crucial as the war dragged on.

Why did colonists form committees to enforce nonimportation agreements


The colonists believed that the British were trying to trick them into paying taxes by offering to sell them tea directly through the East India Company.

Why did colonist form committees to enforce nonimportation agreements?

To ensure that colonist observed the boycott of British goods.

What beliefs do Buddhism and Jainism share?


Buddhists and Jains follow:

- A vegan diet
- Non-violence
- they are non-materialistic people
- they believe in reincarnation
- they also believe that what they do determines their future (Karma)
They both believe that your actions affect your life.

How did life change for women during World war 2?



Women started joining the military and working in other typical male roles


They had more responsibilities.
