earths second atmosphere (atmosphere II) was a thick atmosphere of primarily water vapor and carbon dioxide. What effects did this have on the earth


Answer 1

Heat energy was retained and water vapor condensed

I took the test and that is the correct answer

Answer 2

Answer: b


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What is the molecule, Which you breathe out, that leaves the krebs cycle?


the answer is critic acid cycle

What prohibits lipids from being a readily available energy source? Fat must be broken down into fatty acids before being converted to glucose. Lipids are structural components, so they are a last-resort energy source. Lipids are only used to create enzymes, hormones, and antibodies. The conversion of fat to glucose is controlled by insulin.


Lipids are really hard to break down because they have strong bonds between the carbon atoms. Despite that through a series of metabolic processes they can be converted into fatty acids and then into glucose (and then converted into glycogen). 

From your list, it would be:
a. Fat must be broken down into fatty acids before being converted to glucose


Fat must be broken down into fatty acids before being converted to glucose. Or A. EDG 2020


The person who proposed evolution as a scientific theory was ___ .a0


The person who proposed evolution as a scientific theory was CHARLES DARWIN.
 Evolution theory has to do with the process by which living organisms undergo changes over a long period of time as a result of changes in their heritable characteristics. The theory of evolution has three essential parts, which are these:
(1). The DNA of living organisms do change or mutate overtime.
(2). The changes brought about the DNA mutation can either be beneficial or harmful.
(3). As mutation occurs and continue over a long period of time, it brings about formation of new species.


Jean-Baptiste Lamarck


It was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck who first proposed  theory of evolution in some form. His theory of transmutation of species clearly depicted that species advances themselves based on their environmental surroundings and also says that all the species have developed themselves from a simple organism to a complex one through generations of adaptation. He also supported the thought of inheritance of characteristics from ancestors referred to as Lamarckism.

Thus, before Charles Darwin it was Lamarck who established the theory of evolution

What would happen to a cell if its mitochondria stopped working? And why would it happen!?


The cell would die. This is because mitochondria are essential for making energy that the cell can use, if the mitochondria stopped working this energy would not longer be available to the cell. If the cell does not have energy, it cannot perform vital functions like respiration.

Explain the role rods and cones play in vision.



The cones detect the brightness and the rods the colors.


Thanks to a layer of photoreceptors inside the eye, it is able to convert the captured light into brain signals.

There are two types of photoreceptors: rods and cones.

  • Rods: they allow the human eye to have a visual acuity (the eye's ability to resolve and perceive small details in an object) and to differentiate colors.
  • Cones: are in charge of detecting the intensity of the light. They are very numerous and are very sensitive. Not being able to distinguish colors, they give rise to an achromatic vision.
rods work very well in darkness/ low light. Cones process colors. 

2. What does an animal need to survive and grow?


Answer: Food and water and shelter

Explanation: First, food is need to replenish your energy. All animals need food. This is a part of the food chain. Here's a example:

A bear (imagine a image of one right here)

A bear eats fish

A fish (imagine a image of one right here)

Well what does a fish eat?(it depends but for the purpose of this example I'm just gonna say smaller fish

Smaller fish (imagine a image of one right here)

This is just a rudimentary example of a food chain. The real one is a whole lot bigger.

Pt 2. of explanation. Water. In case you have gone thirsty of water grab some now:) Water is essential for all living organisms. Why? Because you need water to replenish the lost fluid from sweat. Yes, even if you don't work out, your body still sweats.

Shelter. think of it like this, you have a home(probably) and you need a place to stay. What do you do? You go back to your house. Well animals also need a place to stay. Just think of it like that. i personally have a snake den in my backyard lol.

I really hope that this answer helps,  if it did maybe mark my answer as brainiest,

Hope I helped,



Animals need food, water, shelter, and a space to survive


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