Wind in the atmosphere and currents in the ocean are caused by uneven heating that produces _____. convection the Coriolis effect transpiration conduction


Answer 1
Answer: Convection : Warm air rises and cold air sinks, you have a cycle there :D
You can experience it on the beach shore. Since water has a high heat capacity ( it takes longer to heat up ) and the sand get hot quickly, the air on the shore gets warm and rises. When the air reaches to certain elevation (or meet the temperature of the beach), it gets cooler and sinks, cold air from the beach blown to the shore. 
Answer 2

Wind in the atmosphere and currents in the ocean are caused by uneven heating that produces  convection   .

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Which members of an ecosystem are part of the energy flow? A. ONLY the living things in the ecosystem B. ONLY the nonliving things in the ecosystem C. Living and nonliving things in the ecosystem D. The energy flow is not dependent on any members of the ecosystem



D. The energy flow is not dependent on any members of the ecosystem


The energy flow in an ecosystem is not dependent on any member of the ecosystem. It is the flow of energy through the food chain, energy is passed from members in one trophic level to members in another or the next trophic level. The flow of energy in an ecosystem is important because it helps in maintaining balance in ecology.

(Must answer in your own words to receive points, thank you in advance!) Use the model here to describe the transfer of matter and flow of energy from one trophic level to another within an ecosystem. All of the following must be addressed in your response to receive full credit:

a. Discuss the transfer of biomass when one organism eats another. Use your knowledge of digestion to discuss how food is broken down and used by the consumer.

b. Explain what happens to the energy that is not transferred from one organism to another.

c. Explain why there are typically fewer organisms at the top of an energy pyramid.

d. Use specific numbers and calculations to support your explanation.


Energy and matter are transferred through the trophic levels of the ecosystem. Energy is lost at each level, resulting in a pyramidal distribution of energy and fewer creatures at higher levels.

In an ecosystem, the transfer of matter and the flow of energy occurs through trophic levels. When one organism eats another, the biomass is transferred from one level to another. However, not all energy is transferred between levels and some energy is lost as heat or used for metabolic processes. This loss of energy means a decrease in biomass and the number of organisms at higher trophic levels.

This results in a pyramidal distribution of energy, with the greatest amount of energy going to primary producers and the least to tertiary consumers. In general, the transport of matter and the flow of energy across trophic levels determines the distribution and abundance of organisms in an ecosystem. 

Learn more about the ecosystem:


In which sealed container would the organisms be able to continuously cycle O2 and CO2 gases?A. A terrarium with mice and wood shavings
B. An aquarium with fish and plastic plants
C. An aquarium with water plants and a snail
D. A terrarium with a frog and a pool of water


The correct answer is C.
In the aquarium, the water plants would provide the O2 molecules necessary for the snail's metabolism and the snail would release the CO2 molecules that are a byproduct of his metabolism into the container. The CO2 would later be used by plants to make sugar in the process of photosynthesis, releasing more O2 and the cycle of two gases would be completed.


The correct answer is C. An aquarium with water plants and a snail


In an aquarium with water plants and snail the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide will be continuous because plants are able to do photosynthesis which release the oxygen as the byproduct and this oxygen will be used by snail and snail during respiration release CO2 which will be used by plants in the process of photosynthesis to make food for itself.

Therefore there will be symbiotic relationship between plants and snail because snail provides carbon dioxide to plant and plant provide oxygen to the snail and support their survival. Therefore in this container organism would be able to continuously cycle O2 and CO2. So the right answer is C.

Crossing over is the largest contributor to genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms. true or false


 :) The answer is True.
It is true if you looked in your books 

The _____ theory explains how our universe became so structured and uniform.big bang
steady state


Inflation theory is the theory explains why our universe is structured and uniform and suggests that the universe is flat in shape. According to that theory, the universe expanded exponentially fast for a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.

inflation theory is correct i know this because the exact definition of the inflation theory is: theory that upholds the big bang theory, but suggests there was an extremely rapid expansion milliseconds after the big bang

What would happen if you were given pure water in an IV?


The question is what would happen if you are given pure water in an IV. The answer is, the pure water will disrupt the osmotic balance of the body. Saline solutions are usually used in IV, this is because, there is a need to maintaint the osmotic pressure between the body cells and body fluids. Cell membranes are selectively permeable, infusing the body system with pure water will make pure water to rush into cells, dilute the contents and make the cells to swell up.

I belive that the correct answer is you will undergo a condition called metabolic acidosis.


The pH of blood is 7.35 and the pH of pure water ranges from 7-8.5 but it is most steady at a pH of 7. Infusing tap water would prove to be detrimental due to a combination of problems. Pure water contains minerals and ions that make the pH of the water more acidic. Adding an acidic liquid into the bloodstream directly will cause a spike of blood pH. To balance this acidic pH, the respiration of the person will increase so that breathing will be shallow to provide oxygen while removing more carbon dioxie. CO2 contributes to the pH of the body by making the blood more acidic when it forms carbonic acid. Reducing it in circulation will increase the pH of blood. Using the lungs to balance the pH is called respiratory compensation and in the instance of metabolic acidosis, the situation will be metabolic acidosis with respiratory compensation. The body will also turn to the kidney where the kidneys will stop reabsorbing more sodium ions so that when the ions are released in urine, the pH in blood will try to stabilize. This will be a problem because water will be lost as sodium ions are lost and the person involved will start to have cardiovascular conditions such as arrhythmias and muscle spasms since sodium is essential for muscles to communicate. Dehydration would range from moderate to severe and if left unattended, the person is going to have a stroke in the brain. With the brain shutting down due to the stroke, the person will not be able to breathe as ast as the body wanted to regulate the pH. So basically, the body would sabotage itself and it is a very bad idea to try to infuse pure water. Pure water is also not sterile meaning there are microorganisms that live in it and if added into the bloodstream, they can cause severe blood infections that can lead to sepsis and this will just worsen the condition of the person over time. To diagnose the acidosis, a test called Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) is done to asses the balance of acids and bases in the blood and find out how to correct them to return homeostasis back to normal.

Learn More:

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Learn more about homeostasis:

Learn more about the heart:

Level: College

Subject: Clinical Chemistry

Topic: Metabolic Disorders