When three pairs of electrons are shared in a molecule, what shape will the molecule be?a. tetrahedral
b. trigonal planar
c. bent
d. linear


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is B. The shape of a molecule where three pairs of electrons are shared is a trigonal planar. This is characterized by one central atom and three atoms forming an equilateral triangle which is bonded to the central atom.
Answer 2


Trigonal Planar is the correct answer.

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The correct answer is B. A pure solvent has a freezing point lower than the freezing point of a solution. This can be explained by one of the colligative property of a solution called the freezing point depression. A colligative property is a property of a solution which is affected when a solute is being added. This includes, boiling point elevation, vapor pressure lowering and osmotic pressure.

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Metal period- Reactivity Gets smaller as you move from left to right.
Group- Reactivity  gets bigger as you move down a group.

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This is true because the most accurate slope of the line would be given by the points that either reside on the line or close to it.

The reaction of p-aminophenol with one mole of actyl chloride in presence of pyridine gives:


The reaction of p-aminophenol with one mole of acetyl chloride in the presence of pyridine results in the formation of an amide compound called N-acetyl-p-aminophenol.
Here is a step-by-step explanation of the reaction:

1. Acetyl chloride (CH3COCI) is an acylating agent that reacts with the amino group (-NH2) of p-
aminophenol (C6H4NH2OH). The
acetyl chloride is a source of the acety group (CH3CO-), which will replace the amino group in p-aminophenol.

2. Pyridine (C5H5N) is used as a catalyst in this reaction. It helps in the formation of the acety group by removing the hydrogen ion (Ht) produced during the reaction, making the reaction proceed more efficiently.

3. Electrons on the amino group of p-aminophenol acts as the nucleophile and attacks the carbony carbon of the acetyl chloride.

4. The carbonyl carbon is electron-deficient, so it readily accepts the lone pair of electrons from the amino group, forming a new bond. At the same time, the chlorine atom of acetyl chloride is displaced as a leaving group.

5. The resulting product is N-acety-p-aminophenol (C6H4NHCOCH3). In
this compound, the acetyl group is attached to the nitrogen atom of p-aminophenol, replacing the amino group. The pyridine catalyst remains unchanged and is not part of the final product.

Overall, the reaction between p-aminophenol and acetyl chloride in the presence of pyridine leads to the formation of N-acety -p-aminophenol, an amide compound.

Final answer:

The reaction of p-aminophenol with one mole of acetyl chloride in the presence of pyridine results in the formation of an amide compound.


The reaction of p-aminophenol with one mole of acetyl chloride in the presence of pyridine leads to the formation of an amide compound. This reaction is known as acylation, where the acetyl chloride acts as the acylating agent and reacts with the amino group of p-aminophenol to form an amide bond.

Learn more about Acylation reaction here:



What is The ratio of atoms in HCI is


The ratio of atoms in HCl is

  • 1:1

The ratio of atoms in hydrogen chloride shortened as HCl is 1:1. This is because there is only one atom of hydrogen that is reacted with another atom of chlorine. A ratio indicates the relative sizes of two or more quantities.

When given another compound like H₂ SO₄, we can describe the elements as being in the ratio of 2:1:4. Thus, we can see the relative quantities of the individual elements in the given compound.

In conclusion, the ratio of atoms in HCl is 1:1.

Learn more about the ratio of atoms here:



Each molecule of HCl is composed of a one-to-one ratio of hydrogen and chlorine.


At room temperature, HCl is a colorless, poisonous gas. Dissolve it in water, and, voilà, you have hydrochloric acid. For the record, acids are substances that release hydrogen ions in water. The more hydrogen ions an acid releases in water, the stronger the acid (see "What is an ion?" below). If you concluded from the above discussion that HCl releases many hydrogen ions in water, you are right!

In each reaction box, place the best reagent and conditions from the list below.


This is a two step step reaction as shown below,

Step 1:
           Epoxidation of Alkene:
                                              In first step Cyclohexene is treated with peroxybenzoic acid in the presence of Dichloromethane which results in the formation of epoxide moiety.

Step 2:
           Nucleophillic Substitution Reaction:
                                                                  In second step the epoxide formed is treated with Sodium Methoxide which acts as a nucleophile and attacks the less hindered carbon of epoxide resulting in the formation of final product as shown below.

Final answer:

The best reagent and condition for a chemical reaction is dictated by the reactants at hand and the substance that you're trying to produce. For instance, to convert an alkene into an alcohol, Osmium Tetroxide (OsO4) at room temperature would be an example of an ideal reagent and condition.


In chemistry, when you are asked to place the best reagent and conditions in a reaction box, you are trying to predict the proper chemical, heat, or pressure conditions that will foster a certain chemical reaction. This requires understanding of substances' chemical properties, behavior under different conditions, and reaction mechanisms. For instance, if we want to oxidize an alkene into an alcohol, we would choose a reagent like Osmium Tetroxide (OsO4). In this case, OsO4 would be our 'best reagent', and room temperature may serve as the ideal condition as it generally facilitates this process. Each reagent and condition depend on the reactants you start with and the product you want at the end.

Learn more about Chemical Reactions here:
