Which nation uses about 60 percent of its land for farming?a. Finland
b. Sweden
c. Denmark
d. Norway


Answer 1
Answer: its definitely not Norway, I think it's Denmark, I'm pretty sure.
Answer 2

The Answer is:

C. Denmark

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#1 Social Inequality in France due to the Estates System.

#2 Tax Burden on the Third Estate.

#3 The Rise of the Bourgeoisie.

#4 Ideas put forward by Enlightenment philosophers.

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The Whiskey RebellionA. caused the formation of the Democratic Societies.
B. started a disagreement among supporters of the Federalists.
C. led to the development of two distinct political groups.
D. unified northern merchants and southern farmers.


The Whiskey Rebellion "B. started a disagreement among supporters of the Federalists," since many colonists disagreed as to how the rebellion should be dealt with. 

What step did the Nazis take in preparation for the "final solution?"a. They annexed the Sudetenland to serve as a temporary Jewish homeland.
b.They drafted non-Germans into the army to serve as concentration camp guards.
c.They made Jews register with the government and confined them to ghettoes.
d.They dedicated the country's best scientists to developing atomic weapons.the Nazis take in preparation for the "final solution?"



c.They made Jews register with the government and confined them to ghettoes.


The final solution, also known in National Socialist terminology as the "final solution to the Jewish question," is the name of the Third Reich's plan to carry out the systematic elimination of the European Jewish population during World War II. the war began to be known as the "final solution" as the Holocaust or Shoah, that is, to the process that involved the systematic deportation and extermination of any person classified as Jewish by the Nazis regardless of the religion he professed. final solution "was employed by Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi official in charge of the first instance of mass murder, which he called" reinstatement ".

its c but here what  happened after they registered
By 1941, almost the entire German Jewish population would be taken from the ghettos to a concentration camp. They would soon know the names of Dachau, Fossenburg, Buchenwald, Dora, Bergen-Belsen, Sauchsenhausen, Ravensbruck and Neuengame. Hitler then began to implement the Final Solution in every European nation that he was able to control and dominate. Jews of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Italy, and many more were being taken from their homes and brought to killing centers, labor/extermination camps, and concentration camps. They would soon learn the names of where their destinies were to lie in the counties surrounding Europe, Natzweiler, Mauthausen, Theresienstadt, Gross-Rosen, Stutthof, Chelmo, Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, Belzec, and the famous and most destructive of all the camps, Auschwitz/Birkenau. Hitler's success is credited to his carefully planned steps and the reaction to those steps by the other world powers (i.e. The United States and Great Britain), and the German population. By 1941 the Allied powers were well aware of the situation and the goal of Nazi Germany, but political strategy prevented any intervention into the crisis. When the extermination of the Jews began to move more rapidly in 1942, the Allies were at their weakest. The United States was mostly consumed in the war in the Pacific with the Japanese and had no active participation in Europe. Britain too was isolated because Germany had already a tight grip on most of the countries surrounding it, which included, France, Poland, Austria, and Czechoslovakia. Germany's goal of the Final Solution came at the most opportune time while the Western powers were preoccupied.

The populace also contributed to Hitler's success by itsinability to differentiate Hitler's main objectives. His objectives were to wage two wars, one aimed at anyone who opposed him and the second aimed at the destruction of the Jews. The Nazi Party was consumed by the demand to complete the Final Solution, thus creating one of the greatest feats of man utilizing the Jews as a mass labor force. Hitler spent a majority of his time and energy in seeing that the Final Solution was done to its most efficient capabilities and secrecy, although these may have also led to his failure.

From july 17 to august 2, 1945, leaders from the allied nations met at the potsdam conference to decide what sanctions to put in place against the recently defeated nazi germany. during the conference, the decision was made that certain industries in germany would be


During the Potsdam Conference, the decision was made that certain industries in germany would be more focused on the development of agriculture and non-military industry. It was decided to make sure that the Germany will be de-militarized.

I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!

When is Martin Luther King Jr. Day? a. January 15
b. February 15
c. the third Monday of January
d. the third Tuesday of February


a. January 15 or any day around his birthday
Third Monday of January

Which of these situations best illustrates Article 6 of the US Constitution?A)
the Legislative Branch is divided into 2 bodies of law-makers, the House and the Senate.

The President has the authority to veto laws created by the Legislative Branch.

No government body has the right to make laws that infringe upon the Constitutional freedoms established by the government.

The Supreme Court Justices serve life long terms


Correct answer:  C. No government body has the right to make laws that infringe upon the Constitutional freedoms established by the government.

The second clause of Article VI of the Constitution is famously known as "The Supremacy Clause."  The article asserts the supremacy of the Constitution over all over laws enacted in the land.  It reads as follows:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

If the US Constitution is the "supreme Law of the Land," then no government body has the right to make laws that infringe on Constitutional freedoms.

the answer is going to be a.