which equation listed matches the following word equation? when lithium hydroxide pellets are added to a solution of sulfuric acid, lithium sulfate and water are formed.


Answer 1

When lithium hydroxide pellets are added to a solution ofsulfuric acid, lithium sulfate and water are formed. The balanced chemical reaction is 2LiOH + H₂SO₄ → Li₂SO₄ + 2H₂O.

What is balanced chemical reaction ?

A chemical equation is said to be balanced if the quantity of each kind of atom in the reaction is the same on both the reactant and product sides. In a balanced chemical equation, the mass and the change are both equal.

Following the rule of conservation of mass requires that a chemical equation be balanced. The balance of a chemical equation is disregarded by the rule of conservation of mass. The law states that a chemical process cannot produce or destroy matter.

When lithium hydroxide pellets are added to a solution of sulfuric acid, lithium sulfate and water are produced.

Thus, The balanced chemical reaction is 2LiOH + H₂SO₄ → Li₂SO₄ + 2H₂O.

To learn more about the balancedchemical reaction, follow the link;



Answer 2
Answer: LiOH + H2SO4 → Li2SO4 + H2O

Balance the equation:

Li = 1 • 2
O = 1 • 2 + 4
H = 1 • 2+ 2
S = 1

Li = 2
O = 4 + 1 • 2
H = 2 • 2
S = 1

Balanced Equation:

2LiOH + H2SO4 → Li2SO4 + 2H2O

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The optimal pH is 6.9. The pancreatic amylase is a hydrolase secreted by the pancreas and will go into the alimentary canal. The working environment has a pH of 6.9. So the optimal pH for the enzyme needs to be 6.9.


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The optimal pH is 6.9. The pancreatic amylase is a hydrolase secreted by pancreas and will go into the alimentary canal. The working environment has a pH of 6.9. So the optimal pH for the enzyme needs to be 6.9.

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the step in which the air pressure outside the can become greater than the pressure inside the can is : A. The can was filled nearly to the top with water

The next step is to cool the can suddenly by inverting the water and cause water to vapor in the can to condense

hope this helps

The answer is D. Heating the air in the can reduces the air pressure in the can. When the can is inverted in a pan with cold water, the can collapses inwards. This is because the cold water cooled the air around the outside of the can. Cold air has a higher pressure that hot air because it’s denser. Became. The higher air pressure outside presses on the can walls and force them inwards.

The mass number of an isotope of uranium is 238, and its atomic number is 92. Which symbol best represents this isotope of uranium?


Answer: The isotope will be represented  by symbol ^(238)_(92)U .


The isotope of an element is represented by:


X = Symbol of an element

Z = Atomic Number of that element = Total number of electrons or protons

A = atomic mass of that element = Z+ total number of neutrons

So the uranium isotope with atomic mass of 238 and atomic number of 92 will be written as:



B. 238/92 U


Correct answer on edge 2022

Which of these statements is NOT TRUE? Scientists propose explanations that can be explained by examining evidence. Scientists propose explanations that can be explained by examining evidence. Science is an organized way to investigate, understand, and explain events in the natural world. Science is an organized way to investigate, understand, and explain events in the natural world. Scientists collect and organize information randomly, looking for patterns and connections between events. Scientists collect and organize information randomly, looking for patterns and connections between events. Science deals only with the natural world.



The correct option is;

Scientist propose explanations that can be explained by examining evidence


A scientists makes an hypotheses based on possible natural processes to explain the origin and/or the nature of the characteristics of a natural observation. The scientist then source more data and information to put their hypotheses to test. Due to the fact that an hypotheses is based on observable  processes and/or mechanisms, the given hypotheses can be further tested by other scientists through the use of their individually sourced data. From the result of the assessment, the hypotheses can be either accepted or rejected to enable the better clarification of the hypotheses when accepted or the development of a new hypotheses when rejected.

Why are some elements more reactive than others?


All other atoms have less stable electron numbers, so they react with each other and share electrons to be more stable. The most reactive elements tend to be short one or two electron or have one or two extra electrons.
because of extra electrons

Please help! I'd appreciate it a lot!



6 is B, 7 is A
