Which sentence does not contain any errors in comma usage? A.Candles which can provide light at night, are made from different kinds of wax. B.That house, which has been for sale for six months is one hundred years old. C.The book, that you are looking for, is right here. D.The car that he drove on the muddy road will need to be washed.I am thinking its C. could someone explain to me why its not or if it is. Please and Thank you!


Answer 1
Answer: Sentence C because it is an comma sandwich (apposotive)
An apposotive sentence uses commas to separate an additional fact or idea.
Example:  My dog, the white one, is very mean. 

hope i helped!

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The other person is right! (: ♥

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The answer is A) Without a specific Author.

HELP ME PLEASE): When writing an argument, what must you do with the counterargument in order to strengthen your claim? Briefly state that there is a counterargument without exploring what it is Present the counterargument in a negative light and avoid positive facts Ignore the counterargument so the reader will not become distracted. Fairly state the counterargument to demonstrate you have researched it


Say things like "this is what others believe, but here is why this is not the case" then explain why you are right
Depending on what ur topic is,u need a few reasons why u think that is a good claim because that will be evidence that helps support ur claim.

What theme is common to the two excerpts below? 1.. . . His theory of running until he reached camp and the boys had one flaw in it: he lacked the endurance. Several times he stumbled, and finally he tottered, crumpled up, and fell. When he tried to rise, he failed. He must sit and rest, he decided, and next time he would merely walk and keep on going. As he sat and regained his breath, he noted that he was feeling quite warm and comfortable. He was not shivering, and it even seemed that a warm glow had come to his chest and trunk. And yet, when he touched his nose or cheeks, there was no sensation. Running would not thaw them out. Nor would it thaw out his hands and feet. Then the thought came to him that the frozen portions of his body must be extending. He tried to keep this thought down, to forget it, to think of something else; he was aware of the panicky feeling that it caused, and he was afraid of the panic. But the thought asserted itself, and persisted, until it produced a vision of his body totally frozen.
(Jack London, To Build a Fire)

2.Presently the boat also passed to the left of the correspondent with the captain clinging with one hand to the keel. He would have appeared like a man raising himself to look over a board fence, if it were not for the extraordinary gymnastics of the boat. The correspondent marvelled that the captain could still hold to it.

They passed on, nearer to shore—the oiler, the cook, the captain—and following them went the water-jar, bouncing gayly over the seas.
The correspondent remained in the grip of this strange new enemy—a current. The shore, with its white slope of sand and its green bluff, topped with little silent cottages, was spread like a picture before him. It was very near to him then, but he was impressed as one who in a gallery looks at a scene from Brittany or Algiers.

He thought: "I am going to drown? Can it be possible? Can it be possible? Can it be possible?" Perhaps an individual must consider his own death to be the final phenomenon of nature."
(Stephen Crane, The Open Boat)

mysteries of life and death

finding hope after tragedy

humanity's helplessness against nature

finding inner strength

choosing between security and individualism


Answer: humanity's helplessness against nature

Based on the two different excerpts presented above, the theme that is seen as common to both is man's helplessness against nature. When nature strikes, even the strongest man is eaten by doubts and uncertainties, fear and threat. 

the helplessness of humanity 

Choose the connective that best completes the following sentence. Everyone appeared to be having a good time. _______, my impressions may have been wrong.a. In other words
b. In fact
c. Of course
d. Furthermore


Everyoneappeared to be having a good time. In fact, my impressions may have been wrong. Connectivesare used in the sentence to ‘connect’ one idea to another or illustratesuccessions or chronology of the actions.

Connectives uses chronological wordsto represent things in order. Like a history write up from a certain happeningyears ago.  It could also be used inprocedural essays because these are essays which give instructions of certainset up to guide the person accordingly in doing something to make it moreaccurate. Like recipes, instructions in playing, etc. Example words that areused in chronological words are first, second, third, fourth, fifth, next,after, then, lastly, finally, consequently, in addition, thus, therefore,however, etc.

The answer is C. Of course

Can someone please help meChoose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence.
The staff threw a surprise party for
new employees.


The staff threw a surprise party for us, new employees.
The correct answer would be us the staff threw a surprise party for us new employees