The 8 step process that involves identifying, observing, describing, questioning, researching, establishing, responding, and sharing during the development of the arts curriculum is called thequestion defined.
aesthetic inquiry process.
art inquiry.


Answer 1


The correct answer is "aesthetic inquiry process".


Aesthetic inquiry refers to the isolation, interpretation and even formulation of hypothesis about a subject of interest. This process could be done experimentally and psychologically, or analytical and philosophically. The latter, is the way is done during the development of the arts curriculum, which involves the 8 step process of: identifying, observing, describing, questioning, researching, establishing, responding, and sharing the information of the subject of interest.

Answer 2
Answer: The 8 step process that involves identifying, observing, describing, questioning, researching, establishing, responding, and sharing during thedevelopment of the arts curriculum is called the aesthetic inquiry process.

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It explains that Romeo and Juliet will face many obstacles because of their families’ hatred.  This is the correct answer.

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These options are not right:

-It tells the audience exactly what will happen at the end of the play ( The excerpt says nothing about the tragic ending where both die).

-It reveals the conflicting feelings Romeo has for Juliet and his family ( Romeo loves Juliet. This is not a conflicting feeling. He loves her in spite of the conflicts his family and her family have).

-It foreshadows the death of the lovers in the next section of the play ( They will not die in this part of the play. It tells that their encounter will be difficult).

Its not A i just put that as my answer and got it wrong so the girl above me got it wrong, wrong, wrong, just wanted u guys to know.......... BTW ITS D

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A. Nevertheless

B. project

C. determined

D. There is no error in comma usage.


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C. It takes diligence and hard work to succeed in life.


Abstract nouns are nouns that name things that are not concrete, that is to say, things that we can not detect with either of our five senses (smell, taste, sight, hearing, and touch). Examples of this type of nouns are ideas, theories, feelings, emotions, conditions, events, like death, birthdays, marriage, qualities and intangible concepts like "diligence" which refers to a careful and persistent work or effort and "hard work" because they are things we can not interact with or detect with our five senses).

The answer is C! An abstract noun is something the five senses cannot detect, and "diligence" is not something you can see, touch, taste, smell, or hear. Hope this helped!