What factors caused the Great Depression to spread around the world? Check all that apply.


Answer 1

The factors that caused the Great Depression to spread around the world are:

Americans stopped buying from overseas nations

Many countries raised tariffs on imported goods

Americans demanded repayment of European loans

The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, protracting from 1929 to 1939. It began following the crash of the stock market  of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.

Prior the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve had caused banks to decrease their willingness to loan money to the people. the stock market also declined at the time before

Answer 2

Americans stopped buying from overseas nations

Americans demanded repayment of European loans.

Many countries raised tariffs on imported goods

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President Wilson agreed to many provisions in the Treaty of Versailles which he knew violated the "Fourteen Points" because he was willing to give in to the Allies on some points in return for their acceptance of the establishment of the League of Nations

Wilson wanted the U.S to remain neutral. 

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Letter A is the answer. Goods traded in the commodity market are normal goods. 
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