Identify the sentence that's written in passive voice.A. Taking extra time to study during my lunch hour helps me get better grades.
B. Softball practice starts at 9 a.m.
C. Please pick up 1st-5th grade students at the east entrance.
D. The offices are cleaned by Sunshine Cleaners.


Answer 1
Answer: i think its D
Hope its correct..!!

Answer 2
Answer: The answer is D because its not saying to do anything or being excited 

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This is a Simile.

There is no hidden meaning for it to be a metaphor, and it uses the form as something or like something, which makes it a simile.

The correct answer is A. Simile


The simile and metaphor are both figures of speech mainly used to make a comparison or create a relation between two elements or concepts, because of this, similes and metaphors are widely used in literary works and especially in poetry to create complex concepts or identify the similarities between two ideas. But despite simile and metaphor are similar, there is a difference between both, in the case of simile the relationship or similarity is established by using words such as "like", "as", "so" or any other that directly shows the relationship between the two elements or concepts being compared, on the opposite in metaphor these words are omitted. Considering this, in the case of the sentence "White as a white cow's milk" the figure of speech in this sentence is a simile considering two concepts (the white color and the cow's milk color) are being compared and the word "as" that establishes the relationship between both is used.

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How did the Nile directly affect the stability of Egypt?

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Why is Nile a source of sustenance?

Nile has a direct effect on the economy of Egypt as it enriches the lives of people which makes their society work.

Egypt's stability surpasses modern societies since its only source is Nile but it has given them a lot unlike modern societies which seek for several resources just to make the economy boom.

It's unending in the sense that it's the longest river, but it's an unending source because of its fertility.

Nile means "river valley" which is also the meaning of the Latin word "nilus". Egyptians call Nile, Ar which means "black" because its sedimentary gives a black hue sometimes. 

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Google has changed our lives in a bad manner.Before google people used to do research by reading a book now they go to google for every little question they have,so now people are starting to lose knowledge after just minutes because they cannot retain information that they have not found their selves when you find information your self it instils itself in your brain and you dont forget it very easily.

in which of the following examples does the author use an allusion? The aroma of grandma's chicken soup filled the room with warmth. The stars blinked at me from above. I'm as hungry as a horse. That girl is so strong, I think she might be from the planet Krypton.



Your answer would be that "that girl is so strong, I think she might be from the planet Krypton" is the example in which the author uses an allusion.


Allusion is a literary device by which an author makes a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, idea. It does not describe the refence in detail because the author expects the reader to have the necessary background information ir order to spot the allusion and grasp its importance in the text.

In the paragraph above, "planet Kryton" is a reference to a fictional planet appearing in American comic books by Dc comics. The planet is the native world of Superman and is named after the element Krypton. As Superman home planet, people given birth there are expected to be as strong as said fictional character. That's why the author compares the girl's strength to someone from Krypton.

Read this passage from Alan Weisman's "The City Without Us":He props his running shoe against the whitish bark of a Chinese Amur cork tree, growing among the last of the hemlocks. "This may sound blasphemous, but maintaining biodiversity is less important than maintaining a functioning ecosystem. What matters is that soil is protected, that water gets cleaned, that trees filter the air, that a canopy regenerates new seedlings to keep nutrients from draining away into the Bronx River."

Now read this passage from Jared Diamond's "The Ends of the World as We Know Them":

Both the shoguns and the Japanese peasants took a long-term view: the former expected to pass on their power to their children, and the latter expected to pass on their land. . . . Today, despite having the highest human population density of any large developed country, Japan is more than 70 percent forested.

What common theme of green literature is most strongly evident in both passages?

A. In order to thrive in coming centuries, people must find viable alternatives to fossil fuels, such as coal.
B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.
C. In order meet their goals, environmentalists must help people develop a personal desire to protect nature.
D. There is no excuse for damaging the natural world, and anyone who does so will pay a steep price.


I believe the correct answer is: B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.

Both of these passages talk about the importance of maintaining and taking care of the ecosystem: the first one deals with the priorities in preserving nature; and the second one puts Japanese people as an example to follow in terms of protecting the environment.

Answer:I believe the correct answer is: B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.

Both of these passages talk about the importance of maintaining and taking care of the ecosystem: the first one deals with the priorities in preserving nature; and the second one puts Japanese people as an example to follow in terms of protecting the environment.