Please help me and you will get a lot of points. Analysis and conclusion must be at least to 2 to 3 paragraphs
JacobLeviste avatar


Answer 1
Answer: The index is showing the refraction levels; it shows how easy light can pass through an object, knowing that a vaccum is the easiest medium that light can pass through, going do the list, light will struggle to make it through the lower level mediums. you can add examples in by saying, "I can strengthen my claim by saying Light can easily go through olive oil than glass would due to the fact that glass is lower on the Index of reaction of light"

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The correct answer is A. In the direction of applied force. This is because acceleration occurs n the direction of applied force according to Newtons second law of motion which states that the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction of force.


A. in the direction of the applied force


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So here we can say that when force is applied on an stationary object then the stationary object will move in the direction of applied force so change in the state of motion from rest state to moving state will occur and the direction of motion must be in applied force direction

So correct answer will be

A. in the direction of the applied force

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Describe the motion of particles in a material when this ultrasound wave passes through? Pls help , confused?
Thank you


Yes, the particles are just moving back and forth, not moving in any particular direction on average. For one, the particles are only moving in response to the sound wave, in perfect synchronization, and they aren't also moving constantly in random directions. If you had some material that would remain a gas at absolute zero, then a sound wave in that absolute-zero gas would look more or less like it. But for an everyday-volume sound wave in room-temperature air, the random thermal motion (which is always happening whether or not there is a sound wave) is much stronger than the motion caused by the sound wave. The only reason we notice a sound wave at all is because it is an ordered motion that carries energy in a particular direction. If you followed the motion of a single air molecule, it would look entirely random and there would be no trace of the sound wave. The sound wave only becomes apparent when you look at the large-scale pattern of density variations.The other weird thing about the animation is that the molecules stop moving and turn around without colliding with anything! It should be obvious that in a real gas made of electrically neutral particles, there is no long-distance force that would cause this to happen, and a moving particle would not change direction unless it actually collided with another particle.To answer your particular questions, yes, the whole medium is "vibrating" in that the density and pressure are increasing and decreasing periodically, as the gas flows back and forth. there doesn't have to be any well-defined cross-sectional shape for the sound wave. In fact, the simplest geometry to consider is a plane wave, which extends infinitely in all directions perpendicular to the direction of propagation. It's actually impossible to make a "beam" of sound that will propagate forever without spreading out. 
So, yea. Hope that helped.

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Please Help



A.when it reaches the top of its flight


The potential energy of an object is given by:



m is the mass of the object

g is the acceleration of gravity

h is the heigth at which the object is located above the ground

Therefore, we see that the higher the object, the larger its potential energy: this means that the ball will have the greatest potential energy at the top of its trajectory.

A. when it reaches the top of its flight

potential energy increases as the height of the object does, and the highest point of a ball's flight is when it reaches the top. 

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