A silver bar 0.125 meter long is subjected to a temperature change from 200°C to 100°C. What will be the length of the bar after the temperature change? A. 0.0000189 meterB. 0.00002363 meterC. 0.124764 meterD. 0.00023635 meter


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is C C. 0.124764 meters. When a metal (or almost any item save water) is cooled, it shrinks, as the atoms that make it up vibrate less and less and causes the item to contract. The reverse happens when heating, as the atom vibrate faster causing it to expand. Now, even though it would shrink, the shrinkage would not be that noticeable to the naked eye, and thus, the other lengths are just FAR too short to occur.
Answer 2


ΔL =18.8 ×10 − 6 . 0.125 (100−200) =

2.35 ×10^4 m=


So the bar should shrink


giving a new length of (changing in mm):

125−0.235= 124.7mm

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The atmosphere extend from the Earth up to  10,000 km.

What is atmosphere?

An atmosphere is the layers of gases surrounding a planet Earth. It's atmosphere is composed of about 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and other gases.

Earth's atmosphere has five major layers. From lowest to highest, the layers are the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

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The exosphere is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere (i.e. the upper limit of the atmosphere). It extends from the exobase, which is located at the top of the thermosphere at an altitude of about 700 km above sea level, to about 10,000 km (6,200 mi; 33,000,000 ft) where it merges into the solar wind.

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i think it is true


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Cells with similar preferences are arranged closer together in the auditory cortex. That statement presented is True. Auditory cortex is in the temporal lobe. It processes auditory information in human and as well as other invertebrates. The neurons inside the auditory cortex are organized depends on the frequency of the sound.

Answer: TRUE for ED2020!! I just took the quiz, good luck!! stay safe and healthy!!

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b. 0.78
c. 1.28
d. 12.5


The force of friction = (weight) x (coefficient of friction)

Skier's weight = (mass) x (gravity) = (76.5) x (9.8) = 749.7 N

Force of friction = (749.7) x (coefficient of friction) = 60.0 N

Coefficient of friction = 60 / 749.7 = 0.08  (rounded)

Choice-'A' is the closest choice offered.

You step into an elevator on the 50th floor and it quickly accelerates downward. For a second, until steady speed is reached, __________. A.) your weight is unchanged but your mass decreases B.) your mass is unchanged but your weight decreases C.) neither your mass nor weight change but the gravitational force decreases D.) neither your mass nor weight change but your apparent weight decreases



Mass and weight would stay the same. However, the normal force between the person and the ground becomes smaller, making the weight of the person appear smaller.


The mass of an object is an intrinsic property. The mass of the object stays the same regardless of the motion of the object or the forces acting on the object. As a result, when the elevator accelerates downwards, the mass of this person would stay the same.

The weight of an object refers to the gravitational force on this object.

The gravitational force on an object is the product of the mass m and the strength g of the gravitational field:

(\text{weight}) = m\, g.

The gravitational field strength near the surface of the Earth is mostly uniform (g \approx 9.81\; {\rm N\cdot kg^(-1)}.) Since the mass of this person stays the same, the weight of this person would also stay the same.

When a person stands on level ground, forces on this person would include:

  • Weight, which points downward, and
  • Normal force from the ground, which points upward.

The net force on this person would be:

(\text{net force}) = (\text{weight}) + (\text{normal force}).

Rearrange this equation to obtain an expression for normal force:

(\text{normal force}) = (-(\text{weight})) + (\text{net force}).

When the person is not moving, acceleration of the person would be zero. By Newton's Laws of Motion, the net force on this person would also be zero.

In the equation above, the magnitude of the normal force would be equal to the magnitude of weight. It would appear that the normal force on the person is equal in magnitude to the weight of this person.

However, when the person accelerates in the vertical direction, the net force on the person will become non-zero in the vertical direction. Normal force would no longer be equal in magnitude to weight.

Specifically, when the person accelerates downward in this elevator, acceleration of this person would point downward. Net force on this person would also point downward.

In the equation (\text{normal force}) = (-(\text{weight})) + (\text{net force}), (\text{weight}) also points downward. However, because of the negative sign (-(\text{weight})) and (\text{net force}) would be in opposite directions.

Additionally, the magnitude of net force cannot exceed the magnitude of weight. As a result, the magnitude of the sum of these two vectors would be smaller than the magnitude of weight.

The normal force on this object is equal to the sum of these two vectors. As a result, the magnitude of normal force would also be smaller than the magnitude when the person isn't moving. It would appear as if the apparent weight of this person has become smaller than the original value.

you apply the same amount of heat to five grams of water and five grams of aluminum the temperature of the aluminum increases more than the temp of the water what can you conculde



As we know that heat given to a substance is given by the formula as

Q = m C\Delta T

now we know that

\Delta T = (Q)/(m C)

now we know that aluminium and water both are of same mass and both are given same amount of heat so the value of Q and m will be same.

So here we can say that change in temperature depends inversely on the specific heat capacity.

So here if more specific heat capacity then there will be less change in temperature.

so we can conclude that since temperature of aluminium increases more so the specific heat capacity of aluminium will be less than that of water.

I can conclude that the aluminum heats up faster then the water, since how they are made up is more different, each has a different compound to it, plus water is more denser