What are 3 kinds of mountains


Answer 1
Answer: The  three types of mountains are volcanic, fold, and block.
Answer 2
Answer: There are five types of mountains. They are all unique in there own way. 

1. Fault block
2. Fold 
3. Volcanic 
4. Plateau 
5. Dome

You can chose any 3 mountain's you would like too! 

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Unlike weather, climate



The long term average being 30 years. These weather variations are affected by the temperature, precipitation, and wind.

Climate determinants include latitude, altitude, proximity to mountains and oceans, proportion of land to water, thermohaline circulation of the ocean, ocean currents, density and type of vegetation present in an area, as well as the areas' water retention and rainfall.

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A more turbulent river may have great power to erode





with  the more gravity to the down slope where the water 's potential can turn into kinetic energy.

As fast flowing river have great possibility to turbulent river and power to erode.

Yes, turbulent rivers might have the greatest power to erode.

Which factor influencing flexibility is dependent upon individual behaviors?a. joint structure
b. muscle and fat
c. age
d. gender


The right answer is B muscle and fat
A: False because the joint structure does not depend on the individual behaviour, it may depend on hereditary and genetic factors.
C: false because the age is not related to the behaviour, and so the gender, they are factors that the individual cannot control

So, the right answer is muscles and fat since the individuals can control them by exercising and eating.

Muscle and fat will influencing flexibility is dependent upon individual behaviors. Option B is correct.

Flexibility is the ability of a joint or a group of joints to move through a full range of motion. It is influenced by several factors, including joint structure, muscle and fat, age, and gender. Among these factors, muscle and fat are particularly dependent upon individual behaviors.

Joint Structure: The anatomy of the joint itself, including the type of joint and the arrangement of ligaments and tendons, can influence flexibility. Some individuals may naturally have more flexible joints due to their unique joint structure.

Muscle and Fat: The length, strength, and flexibility of muscles and the amount of fat surrounding the joint area can significantly impact flexibility. Regular physical activity, stretching exercises, and conditioning of muscles can improve flexibility over time.

Age: Flexibility tends to decrease with age. As people age, their connective tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, may become less elastic, reducing joint flexibility. However, regular stretching and exercise can help maintain flexibility as one ages.

Gender: In general, women tend to be more flexible than men. This difference is partly due to physiological factors such as differences in collagen content and joint laxity between genders.

Muscle flexibility is closely related to the elasticity and length of muscles. Regular stretching exercises and activities that promote flexibility, such as yoga, can help improve muscle flexibility. Engaging in physical activities and exercises also helps reduce excess fat around the joints, which can enhance joint mobility and flexibility.

Hence, B. is the correct option.

To know more about muscle here



_____ help fertilize the soil by shedding digestive material


The answer is earthworms.

Earthworms live in the soil where they feed on plant material. By eating and digesting plant material, they mix it with soil mineral components. Now, the organic matter is improved. It is then excreted into the soil becoming high-quality humus. This humus contains many mineral elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc. Therefore, earthworms help fertilize the soil by shedding digestive material.

Earthworms help fertilize the soil by shedding digestive material. 

Ticks carry bacteria that cause Lyme disease. Ticks do not get Lyme disease, but they can transfer the bacteria to humans, who can get the disease. Which of the following statements best describes the relationships among the bacteria, the ticks, and the humans?a. The relationship between the bacteria and the ticks is competition, and the relationship between the ticks and the humans is predation.
b. The relationship between the bacteria and the ticks is competition, and the relationship between the ticks and the humans is parasitism.
c. The relationship between the bacteria and the ticks is commensalism, and the relationship between the ticks and the humans is parasitism.
d. The relationship between the bacteria and the ticks is commensalism, and the relationship between the ticks and the humans is predation.


The answer is c. The relationship between the bacteria and the ticks is commensalism, and the relationship between the ticks and the humans is parasitism.

Commensalism is a relationship between two organisms in which only one of them has benefit, and the other one is not affected. Bacteria are carried by ticks, so bacteria have a benefit from the relationship. Tick is not affected by bacteria, it does not get Lyme disease. Therefore, the relationship between ticks and bacteria is commensalism.

The relationship between ticks and humans is parasitism. Parasitism is non-mutual relationship between two organisms in which one of them (tick) benefits at the expense of the host organism (human).

Explain how insulin contributes to homeostasis in humans. Use the following terms in your response: Hormone, glucose, pancreas,homeostasis,and feedback mechanism.



Insulin lowers blood glucose by increasing glucose uptake in muscle and adipose tissue and by promoting glycolysis and glycogenesis in liver and muscle.
