Does every action lead to a reaction dealing with conflict? Please explain in 2-3 sentences.


Answer 1
Answer:     No, not every action leads to a reaction. If you where sitting next to someone and you already knew that person was there and that person pocked you then you don't have to react. So to conclude not every action leads to a reaction.

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Tea started gaining it's popularity with the help of London coffee houses, and Queen Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford.


Though China was the invention of tea, the usage of tea was extremely high in British than in any other country. Around 1610 the Portuguese and Dutch imported tea in Europe, though they were the first traders, tea was already spreading throughout half the coffee houses in the country beginning with London coffee houses.By 1700, nearly 500 coffee houses introduced tea.

As there were up and down of taxation, people's use of tea was rating up and down, however during the period of Queen Anne, she made sure to pass her habit of having tea at 8 at night. Soon it became a practice and also became a part of British identity.

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Wildlife OverpassesAll over the world, animal habitats bump up against human development. Where these two worlds collide, animals almost never fare well. Highways, where humans speed by large tracts of natural habitat like missiles of doom, are especially dangerous for wild creatures. They can also be deadly, not just for individual animals but for entire species. The Florida panther, for example, has such a low population that each time one is killed on a highway, it is a catastrophic loss.

There is hope, however, in a new way of helping animals cross through highway areas unharmed. Wildlife overpasses give animals a way to cross highways without risking their lives. These look and work like bridges but are usually covered with grass and trees that make animals like deer feel welcome. The cars drive through a tunnel under the bridges. Fences along the top edges keep the animals safe.

These overpasses also connect habitats, so along with deer, the coyotes who hunt them can cross. This allows both species to have a larger range, which also helps their long-term survival. To the animals in these habitats, the overpasses may be like an extra safety net that helps them survive a drought. The bridges are especially important for animals that migrate. For centuries, animals like elk and buffalo migrated on trails that still, now, lead right up to the edges of major highways. With the help of these bridges, migrating animals can still follow their long-used paths unharmed.

In some cases, these overpasses benefit humans directly as well. In these cases, the overpasses are part of a green space or park that people use for cycling, backpacking, or jogging. The overpasses give humans access to areas they may not have been able to see but also provide safety for animals.

The next time you are traveling on a highway, keep a lookout for a wildlife passage. With attention to how our lives affect the natural world, we can find clever solutions, like wildlife passages, that help animals and improve our lives, too.

Extra! Extra!
Not all wildlife accommodations for highways are overpasses. In some cases, certain species are so important that underpasses or underground tunnels are built. In Florida, two such underpasses help turtles, snakes, and alligators that often migrate from one body of water to another. Since these creatures do not have much speed, crossing a highway for them is even more deadly than it is for swift animals like deer. Working like a large funnel, these underpasses usually require a barricade or fence alongside the highway that forces animals toward a tunnel. Aquatic turtles especially benefit from these tunnels as they lay eggs in holes dug in dry ground, away from the lake they live in.

Which of the following correctly summarizes the main idea of the passage?

Wildlife overpasses help animals and humans live together.
Wildlife overpasses provide interesting points for viewing wildlife.
Wildlife needs more devices like overpasses to survive.
Wildlife has endured many hardships, including highways that divide habitat.


Wildlife has endured many hardships, including highways that divide habitat.

Solve if u can…It is a 9 letter word 123456789,
If you lose it u die,
If u have 234, you can 1234,
56 is one type of disease,
89 indicates exact location and time,
2 and 7 r same letter, 3 and 8 are same letter, 5 and 9 are same letter.
Guess the word????

Its a Challenge for all masterminds!!


The answer is Heartbeat

This is information that supports a generalization.



Evidence. This is information that supports a generalization.

Experience. This is the name for what is gathered through the general process of living, or for the process itself.



Evidence helps suport genralisation

HELP!!!!!!Which verb form agrees with the subject and correctly completes the sentence?

Peanut plants __________ thousands of acres in the American South.




B. cover
The best way for finding these out is saying them out loud. What sounds better? The actual rule has to do with conjugating. Because the subject is is in the plural 3rd person form, the verb will not have an "s"
If you don't know the rule, your last option is to make a new sentence with the same verbs, and repeat step 1. Hope I helped!

Next time, read the sentence out loud  with each word in the blank. Which one sounds correct?

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