As volume increases mass will__


Answer 1
Answer: If you're working with a solid or a liquid, the only way to increase volume
is to add more solid or liquid, so the mass must also increase.
(I don't want to get into temperature and confuse you.)

Not so with a gas.  If you want to increase the volume of a jar of gas,
all you have to do is pipe it into a bigger jar.  Gas always expands
to fill whatever you put it in.  So if you're working with a gas, you can
increase the volume with no change in the mass.

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from collisions between other galaxies


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The displacement vector from your house to the library is 520 m long, pointing 40 ∘ north of east.What are the x-component (x-axis is directed from west to east) of this displacement vector?What are the y-component (y-axis is directed from south to north) of this displacement vector?



398.3 m, 334.2 m


The magnitude of the displacement vector is

v = 520 m

And its direction is


measured as north of east.

The x-component of this vector is given by:

v_x = v_0 cos \theta = (520)cos 40^(\circ)=398.3 m

While the y-component is given by

v_y = v_0 sin \theta =(520)sin 40^(\circ)=334.2 m

Final answer:

The x-component of the displacement vector (east-west direction) is approximately 398 m and the y-component (north-south direction) is approximately 334 m.


Displacement vectors contain both magnitude and direction information. In the case of a displacement vector 520 m long, pointing 40 degrees North of East, we can break it down into x and y components using trigonometric functions, specifically cosine and sine.

For the x-component (east-west direction), we can use the cosine function because it gives us the adjacent side in a right triangle, which is the east-west direction in our case. Therefore, the x-component will be:
520 m * cos(40) = 398m (rounded to nearest unit).

For the y-component (north-south direction), we can use the sine function because it gives us the opposite side in a right triangle, which is the north-south direction in our case. Hence the y-component will be:
520 m * sin(40) = 334 m (rounded to nearest unit).

Learn more about Displacement Vector Components here:
