Based on their actions in "The Fiery Furnace," what is the best description of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? A. They are compassionate and gentle to all of God's creatures. B. They are courageous and faithful to their own beliefs. C. They are stubborn and overly proud of their talents. D. They are vengeful and jealous of the king's wealth.


Answer 1
Answer: I have never read a story called "The Fiery Furnace" but I am an avid Bible reader. I know that the Biblical answer to this question is B. Hope this helps! Have a great night!

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In my opinion I think it's Not Complete.


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Answer:How does captivity affect whales and dolphins?

We can’t know what it feels like to be a whale or dolphin, but the individuals who have spent years in captivity display behaviors which demonstrate frustration and boredom, and even show physiological signs of stress.

Shorter lives – the death rate for captive orcas is 2.5 times higher than in the wild. Bottlenose dolphins and belugas also have higher death rates in captivity than in the wild.

Attacks – frustration can cause captive whales and dolphins to attack each other and sometimes trainers and members of the public.

Repetitive behaviors – in confinement, whales and dolphins may swim endlessly in circles, lie on the floor of the tank for many hours, chew concrete and metal structures, and repeat the same patterns of behavior.

Dorsal fin collapse – orcas kept in tanks spend most of their time swimming in endless circles, causing their tall dorsal fins to collapse to one side. Dorsal fin collapse has been observed in 1% of wild orcas. 100% of captive adult male orcas have collapsed dorsal fins.

Drugs – some parks give captive whales and dolphins tranquilizers to relieve the stress they are feeling, and many are on antibiotics and other treatments for chronic health issues.
