The blank contains the main idea in a paragraph


Answer 1
Answer: Most likely the first sentence contains the main idea of a paragraph.
Answer 2




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The term that best describes the given statement above is the third option which is negation. In geometry, a negation statement is the opposite of a given mathematical statement. If a statement is true, then its negation is false. And if a statement is false, then its negation is true. The given statement above is false, therefore, it is a negation of the true statement.


negation is the answer


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B abbreviate
C describe
D connect


I suppose it's neither. However, your best choice would be 'describe' as the role of any modifier is to limit or to qualify the sense of another word, phrase or even clause. An "[army] vehicle" is a good example to express what a modifier/qualifier is.

This has been the strangest week of my life exclamatory, exclamation point
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declarative, period <

please tell me if i'm right or wrong then i can fix my answer if i'm wrong



In at least 250 words, explain the symbolism of the red geraniums in the Ewells' yard and how they relate to Mayella’s character.TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD


The flowers are a symbol of esteem and gentility. This is very telling because by keeping these flowers it shows that Mayella wants a more genteel, more pleasing lifestyle. The geraniums repersent that dream, her dream for something better in life, her dream of wanting something better for herself. This shows a lot about her character because it is showing that she strives to be better and she wants something in her life and now all that she has to do is go out and find what she is looking for. Make that dream become a reality and use those red geraniums as motivation; as a reminder to keep going and maybe everything will work out. 

Hope this helped :)

Which of the following sentences contains a comma splice?A. The cruise ship docked on Oahu, then again on Maui.
B. The pots clanged to the kitchen floor, the kitten cowered under the table.
C. Our friend, who travelled from Tennessee, was quite tired when he arrived.
D. We need help with organization, structure, and spelling


Option B contains a comma splice.

A better way to rephrase that "sentence" could be:

1. The pots clanged to the kitchen floor, and the kitten cowered under the table.

2. The pots clanged to the kitchen floor.  The kitten cowered under the table.




A comma splice  Example

as in 'nobody goes there anymore, it's boring').

What's 2+2? This is really hard and I need help I cried for one hour PLS HALP.


haha its 4 2+2=4

there's your answer
FOUR (4)
I hope I helped